Random stuff...
Baby tigers/baby orangutans OT4!*
Peyton Manning to host Saturday Night Live. I don't understand this weird fascination I have with Peyton Manning since the Super Bowl. I would like it to go away, please. But hey, there's a Kenny Chesney reference there, which makes me giggle. (OMG! Kenny is going to be playing here at the arena at school in May! I MUST GO. YOU DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND.)
* Posts I may or may not get around to making:
- Author's notes/DVD commentary on "Ear Tuned To The Roar." (Which, by the way, the comments on that are making me all choked up and flailful and inarticulate, so give me another day on the replies.)
- A translation of the lyrics to "Born In The USA" into prose, with brief accompanying rant on why it is NOT ACTUALLY APPROPRIATE to play this song on the Fourth of July. Or Memorial Day. Jesus, especially not Memorial Day.
* I was away from the computer for most of today, and thus missed the Love Meme until it went over its comment limit, but thank you very much for the sweet comments, and I love you all veryvery much. ::loves::
* Look at my icon. Sprawly!Helo is love. As are his pants. Which is why this same screencap is in my LJ banner. Oh yes.