(no subject)

Dec 13, 2006 14:53

Okay. Paper is turned in. I tried to start my stats lab final, but SAS won't let me input the data file. It keeps saying the values for one of the variables are invalid. Um. This data file was provided by the instructor, and other people in the class have said it ran for them wtihout a problem, so I think this is just SAS being on crack (again) and I'll try again later. On a different machine. And if that doens't work, I might just cry and be done with it.

Mmmm, finals.

Um. In other news, I read the comics trade X-23: Innocence Lost last night. And. Huh. I want to check publication dates now to see if Marvel ripped off DC, or if DC ripped off Marvel with Cassandra Cain. Because that's pretty close to the same backstory, right there.

Eh. It was all right. likeadeuce told me the second trade came out today, but I don't know if I'm going to make it over to the comic store or not. Probably not. Apathy!

Dammit, SAS, just fucking work, you piece of crap. I hate you.
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