This entire post is me rambling about my hair. No, really.

Nov 14, 2006 09:57

I'm about 65% set on going to get my hair cut after class today. For the past few years I've been cutting it back to just-past-chin-length whenever I get my act together and get it cut. I thought I was growing it out this time, but...well, frankly, life feels a wee bit stagnant and getting my hair cut sounds like something I can pretend is exciting without having to expend enough effort to really be so. And maybe I can take in some BSG caps and be like "Give me almost-too-much sideswept bangs like Racetrack's that I in no way have the bone structure to pull off!" And because I go to places where you get your hair cut for $12, and therefore they do WHATEVER YOU SAY without telling you whether or not it's a bad idea, they would do it, and I would be Sad.

I'm also kinda thinking about buying some hair dye and giving that a go. But that would probably go badly, for two reasons. 1) I kind of think my hair color is my best feature. It's a Little Women thing- you know, "Oh, Jo! Your one beauty!"? Yeah. That. So if I dyed it, ten minutes later there would be hysterics of OMGWHATHAVEIDONE? And 2) I've never dyed my hair, and so the dye probably won't stick. Whenever I've tried putting temporary color in it (for school spirit days or whatever) it falls right off the strands. So I would end up with weird-ass color instead of what I wanted. Which I secretly wouldn't *really* want anyway. So, I think the point is, I really shouldn't dye my hair.

::rereads:: Okay, yes, I really need my week off, don't I?

Man, today is just going to be...We shall not even SPEAK of it. Today is to be looked at with disapproval. ::disapproves:: Not fear, hysteria, loathing, any of those, just...disapproval.
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