Fic: "After" (Fantastic Four)

Jul 15, 2005 21:07

Movieverse; set after the big battle but before the party.

Johnny & Reed (note the ampersand, inalasahl; the slash didn't happen. ;))

Genfic! With hurt/comfort! And me having fun with the idea that actions have consequences!

After )

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Comments 17

kaethe July 15 2005, 20:37:03 UTC
Very nice! The voices sounded great, and I like the sense of history you gave Johnny and Reed--and by proxy, Sue and Ben. I got a good sense of how the bonds of teamwork are starting to build.


arabella_hope July 15 2005, 22:03:01 UTC
This was really good...wasn't sure where it was headed at first, but I enjoyed the dynamic between the two and the development of Reed's character through Johnny's eyes. Very nice scene btwn the 2.


inalasahl July 16 2005, 10:20:01 UTC
Damn, that was good. Not a single creepy overtone (strangely, enough, I found myself actually thinking by the end that perhaps Reed/Johnny wouldn't be such a bad thing after all).

Just really, really good. I like how you used Johnny's comfort with social situations translate into insight into Reed's feelings and thoughts, and the right things to say to him.


musesfool July 16 2005, 22:59:02 UTC
Oh, that was sweet.


Heya! justagametoyou July 23 2005, 00:42:54 UTC
Just thought I'd let you know this was really well written, and I love the way you show the relationships between characters. I'm telling you because having searched far and wide, I came across this; almost the only piece of fanfiction I've found for the movie so far, which both surprises and disappoints me. *sigh* Anyway, hope you don't mind that I commented, and go you.


Re: Heya! inlovewithnight July 23 2005, 01:24:19 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. :) fantastic_4_fic has a few stories, but it doesn't seem to be setting off a fic-boom, unfortunately. I keep hoping for more. And coming up with plot bunnies of my own in the meantime. ;)


Re: Heya! justagametoyou July 23 2005, 16:29:04 UTC
Plot bunnies are always good. ;) I suppose the film only came out over here yesterday, so maybe y'know, people have yet to see it in order to fic it. I live in hope.


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