hockey rarepairs dear author letter

Jul 16, 2015 15:56

General likes/dislikes: I'm extremely easygoing with fic. My only trigger area is eating disorders, and that only kicks in with very specific presentations that are unlikely in hockey fic.

I like domestic fluffy G-rated fantasy worlds and I like extreme kink and I like realism and pretty much everything in between. I like trauma/recovery narratives, both straight-up hurt/comfort with injury and with other kinds of trauma. I like stories that examine gender and sexuality. I like PWP and gen.

I have a slight preference for canon-based stories, at least to the level of “they are all hockey players,” but if you want to go with an AU I can probably be sold on it.

In the category of "not for me" fall everyone-must-be-a-dom-or-sub style BDSM AUs, mpreg, and anything where the Red Wings are bad guys.

I selected “Any Rating Any Warning” on all my requests and that is 100% true. I’m comfortable with whatever you decide to write.

I really don’t have anything to add on any of my requests, but here they are for reference. Anon commenting is turned on if you want to ask questions.

Thanks for writing for me!
Request 1: Aaron Ekblad/Tyler Seguin
Specific prompts for this pairing: drawing on them being on Team Canada together at Worlds. Either overseas or when they get home is fine. I would love Tyler educating Aaron on something sexy. Twisty/dubcon-y/power dynamic-y is fine, enthusiastic consent is also fine, whichever way your heart leads you.

Request 2: Pascal Dupuis/Evgeni Malkin
Anything at all, for real. I just quietly ship them a lot. You can address Duper's family or AU them away, either is fine; ditto for his health issues. Being rough with each other would be super-hot, but they're also such a couple of goofballs that fluffy brofic would be great, too.

Request 3: Paul Bissonnette/Mike Richards
On the Monarchs while Mike was sent down. Can either go totally dark or have Biz cheering him up a little. As I said in my general likes/dislikes, I'm okay if you want to go gritty realism and dealing with drug and head injury issues, but also fine if you'd rather avoid them. I can see lots of good stories here either way.

Request 4: Aaron Ekblad/Megan Mitchell/Willie Mitchell
OT3 of my heart. Absolutely anything. Angsty "am I good enough?", celebratory post-Calder, cuddling on the couch watching Die Hard, tying each other to heavy objects, WHATEVER, I'm into it.

Request 5: Evgeni Malkin/Tyler Seguin
I have nothing here except "wow, that would be hot. Yes please." Geno putting Segs in his place? With his dick? Yes.

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