
Mar 07, 2013 13:25

HELLO. I want to post something other than a booklog.

Unfortunately, I am the most boring person alive. \o/

Ficcish- I'm working on a BBB fic, slowly slowly. I have a half-finished Pete/Gabe story that I would like to fix, finish, and post. AND, this month's kink_bingo mini-challenge is kind of cool (two fanworks for the same kink), but I'm not sure what to do for it, because I feel like I should be CREATIVE and that's really hard. Suggestions welcome.

I still have a Bletchley Circle fic in my head but I'm waiting for a library book to come in for research.

Also I have my eye on a prompt at queer_fest that will be hard to write but that I'm excited about, so we'll see.

Sourceish- Umm, I have not watched any of The Americans past the pilot, not because I don't want to but because I'm an idiot, so I'd like to catch up on that. I've been making some stabs at catching up on Elementary. J. and I watched half of Call the Midwife last weekend and I might finish that tonight or this weekend. I don't know if any of these will produce fic or not. I have not watched any Community since it came back and it's not sounding like I really want to. :\

Yarnish- My yarn is in Ohio but apparently won't get here until next week, which bums me out because I wanted to start my sweater this weekend. I have to go buy needles first, though. Five fucking sets of needles. It's going to be more expensive than the yarn.

Otherwise- mostly I'm just tired? Thing.

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night is boring

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