This morning I massively overslept and therefore did NOT make it to the park to look for bears. :( Saddest. But I had a lovely time with
likeadeuce instead and a safe drive home, so it's all fine. There will be other weekends for the bears. Hopefully weekends that don't feature terrible headaches from weather change, wtf.
A thing I thought about in the car yesterday: I want to write a really old-school quest-fantasy narrative where everyone thinks Gerard is the Chosen One and there's a quest and the gathering of the companions (Pete, Gabe, Travie, maybe William, maybe Carden why not, Victoria!, maybe Bebe! etc) and adventuring and then finally they get to the big showdown where the chosen one is, like, a proxy for the gods against their enemies (apparently I really need to re-read some David Eddings) and then it turns out that MIKEY is the chosen one, everyone just got confused, and Mikey has to step up and make the big universe-saving or -damning choice. And maybe sacrifices himself making the choice, and dies a noble death, and everyone cries a lot and remembers him forever and ever.
...definitely am in need of some Eddings, it would seem.
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