I've been thinking a lot lately about boundaries. Not because anything's going on; the opposite, really, I think it's because all of my interpersonal relationships are pretty stable and positive right now that I have the time/spare emotional energy TO think about boundaries. Also I've been reading a lot of Captain Awkward, and her advice is pretty much all boundary, clear communication, and self-care related.
Captain Awkward is also one of the very rare sites out there where reading the comments is a good idea, as the commentariat gives excellent advice and support. I learn a lot reading over there. I think the CA commentariat has taught me as much as the Feministe commentariat, but without the feeling that I'm tiptoeing through a field of land mines and could be destroyed at any moment.
I like CA's advice a lot, though sometimes her scripts are not things you can actually say to other human beings without getting back "Why the fuck are you talking at me like that, talk like a PERSON, not a therapist." Or maybe that's just people I know.
Anyway, yes. Communication! Boundaries! Self-care! It's all happening, or at least all being read about and pondered on. Some good recent letters/threads:
The rare one-size-fits-all approach to when your friends run themselves down in front of youHow do you say 'I don't love you'? Similarly themed,
My mom gives me the silent treatmentHow do I set a boundary with my friend without hurting her feelings?Life blows. How can I be nice to myself again? ETA: Can't believe I forgot
The sandwich means I love you. So wonderful.
In other news, a post I saw earlier made me want to buy the MASH series boxset, because MASH, comfort viewing of my childhood! But, you know. Expensive, and also, I am a MASH heathen, in that I far, far prefer the BJ/Col. Potter seasons to the Trapper/Henry seasons. Like, to the point where I actually turn Trapper/Henry episodes off when they come up on TV reruns. :( So I will not do this, but I will be humming "Suicide Is Painless" at the cat all afternoon.
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