half an hour left in the workday

Jul 05, 2011 15:49

- Adorable bulldog puppy.

- This picture was posted at mikeyway_daily, and I can't stop looking at it. It's such a perfect girl!Mikey picture. I wish I'd seen it before I posted the fic last month, I absolutely would have made a girl!Mikey icon from it.

- Appear to have given up on the 30 days of fanfic meme. /o\

- Continue to be foiled in getting a dental appointment.

- Craving the pasta dish I had at Afterwords in DuPont after the Pride parade a few weeks ago. Mmm. Want.

- Series of Tweets I made earlier today:
Rrrrm, every time I try to write this scene it keeps coming out dubcon.

And not the fun tropey id-fic dubcon; more like "I really don't want to do this, but I love you, and you want me to do it, so I guess >>

>> I'll try, but I'm not happy about it or enjoying myself." THAT IS NOT FUN TO READ OR WRITE.

This keeps turning around and around in my head, which I assume means I'm trying to figure something out about it (either the trope or the specific fic), but nothing's shaken out yet. This is massively annoying.

But I'm going to work out when I get home, and maybe the combination of miseries will make it all make sense. \o/?

- ♥

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night is boring

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