[if i wrote you]

Jun 16, 2009 14:57

For the love of puppies, flist, tell me to work on one of the many, many long fics I have either pending or planned, and *not* any more ridic kink_bingo things. ::cries:: I used to have an attention span, I swear I did. I don't know what happened to it.

(All I want to do is be deliberately, obnoxiously subvertive of the prompts. "Painplay (other)"? Fuck you, I'm writing about somebody having a sunburn and their SO rubbing aloe onto it. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.)

I'm also irrationally flipping out about getting to the airport to pick up my mom and my brother. Traffic is unpredictable around here! I don't know what time to leave! I would like a drink but it's 3 PM and I'm at work!

And I keep reading about Iran and getting all choked and helpless-feeling and the poli-sci geek in me is not doing sufficient nerding to keep it under control.

I'm between projects at work. These lulls are a blessing and a curse. Obviously.


دنیارابگوییدچطورآنهاانتخاباتمان دزدیده اند
Tell the world how they have stolen our election

- original post by one_hoopy_frood
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