[but i've still got my feet]

Mar 28, 2009 20:52

Random, assorted, in bullet points-
  • I finally watched last week's Kings. This show is so...weird. Stylistically. And I think I might kind of love it. I already don't remember if we had substantial Michelle-Jack (or, well, ANY Michelle-Jack) interaction in the first episode, which is unfortunate because I'm inventing random fanon where they're very very close, and I can't remember if there's anything to contradict it.

    I also want fic about Reverend Samuels (and I still want Samuels/David, because I'm awful), and...stuff. Yes.
  • Borders upped the ante to a 40% off DVDs coupon. I am not made of stone. I went ahead and bought the GenKill DVDs. Oh, pretty. So pretty.
  • Plus I got my Maryland tax refund, so, you know, it's ALMOST like I kept my word. C'mon, Missouri and fed.
  • Speaking of Missouri, there is a very very good chance I will be going back there for a visit in May. One more phone call needs to be made to settle it. Eeeee.
  • Today I was productive in a few ways, massively unproductive in others. Half-credit.

    Honestly, I'm only posting because the idea of missing a day this close to the end of the month seems wrong. :\ Um, how are all of you?
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