Burn Your Mansion To The Ground
(Five Ways Lyla Garrity Leaves Dillon)
Thanks to
likeadeuce and
romanticalgirl for read-overs and help. Title from Tom Waits, "Hold On." Exactly 1250 words, because the first section I wrote hit 250 words and so then they all had to, because I'm crazy.
Burn Your Mansion To The Ground )
Comments 31
I love this: "She's offering her best smile, her cheer smile, twice as bright for God as for the Panthers." And I love her getting mad at the hypocrisy of the media-packaged religion, just like she gets pissed off at all other kinds of hypocrisy.
The last section is a perfect one to end on, because in a way it's both the most conventional, and the one with the most possibility. I love the image of Lyla with her hair cut, bundled in a scarf, and the way it ends on the idea of memories.
Gorgeous, I'm so glad you wrote this, and that it's Lyla Garrity day on LJ!!
Lyla will totally take a law degree as a means to make a *lot* of people do things her way. Hee.
I have a feeling Lyla would spend about a week running around with the guitar player, get fed up with him, and ditch him somewhere. And land on her feet. She does that.
Bloody hells, woman. That all hurts.
Thanks. :)
I am so happy you've come over to this fandom. Yis.
Wow, Sam,that was awesome. I love the last one the most, and I adore the one with Jason and Tim and Lyla (OT3!) running off together. I really like your Lyla here lots, and as always, your writing is simply stunning!!
Thank you!
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