[pointless rambling]

Jul 12, 2007 10:20

For no good reason whatsoever, I'm feeling girly today, in the "little plaid skirt and purple button-down" style, which is always fun if rather unusual for me. Possibly when my hair dries there will be pigtails. Anyway, the outfit description is only to set up helpful mental detail for a description of what I've been doing for the last ten minutes, which I do hereby confess to be "dancing around the apartment and lip-synching to Jefferson Starship's 'We Built This City (On Rock And Roll).'"


I've seen lots of Stargate:Atlantis icons featuring that title. I really need to get one.

My freshman year of college, my friends and I went to the concerts of one of the 6,000 a cappella groups, because Chelsea was dating one of the tenors. (Nice guy. Not that great group.) Aaaanyway, "We Built This City" was one of their standards. They had a whole little dance, which I can only remember parts of. But what I really remember is that one of the seniors in the group that year was named Ryan Cole, and for the big finish of his last concert they changed the words "We built this city on Ryyyyyy-an Coooooole..." And it was kinda cool.

The point is I always sing the song that way, instead of the actual words. Even to this very day, breakin' it down and boogieing with Racetrack.

This is the kind of thing LJ is FOR, you know, sharing these little stories. Yep.
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