Nov 01, 2005 17:04
School went by real slowwww.
DiDnt reallly do anything.
Wich was good i geuss.
Then I went homeeeeee.
Marko came over at like 6 or so :)
We watched part of Halloween and Scream 2.
They werent that scary.kinda.
We went to Caitlyn's house for a lil while.
Her dog burped in my face :\ ewww.
We went trick or treating. it was funn.
i saw lots of cute lil kidsss.
We went to Wild Oaks and
Aaron Park but no one was there.o well :)
It was FUNN.
Okay.I geuss.
I made a castle in Journalism.Thanks to Miss MAGGiE MAY.haha.
I got a 103 on my MaTh in algebra 1a.hahaha.
PE-- ughhh.we did these ab workouts.BiGG no no. if i dont have rock hard abs after this than its impossibleee. hahaha.
well lunch was funny.hahahaha.i choke when i think about it.
Well darn I gotta go write a retarded essay for coach talsma.uggh.
This is gonna take a longggg timee.Lets hope i can do itt.
i Love mr marko paulie waulie angel the 17th :)
ChRiSTiNa eLiZaBeTh*