Apr 08, 2006 23:35
Kayla, i enjoyed your e-mail immensely and wanted to try it out but I don't really do e-mails. So I figured I'd post it here because a) I never write in this thing anymore and b) I just love my icon and want everyone to see it.
How am I feeling today? - Ballad of a Paralysed Citizen
Will I get far in life? - Low Rider
How do my friends see me?: - Falling (not Alicia Keys. I'd just like to point that out.)
Where will I get married? - Forest
What is my best friend's theme song? - Pharmacopeia
(I didn't totally know what this meant so I took the liberty of looking it up: phar·ma·co·poe·ia also phar·ma·co·pe·ia ( P ) Pronunciation Key (färm-k-p)
A book containing an official list of medicinal drugs together with articles on their preparation and use.
A collection or stock of drugs.
Dictionary.com is my friend)
What is the story of my life - Let it Rain
What is/was highschool like?: - Polly
How can I get ahead in life?: - Cat Scratch Fever
What is the best thing about me?: - Beauty in the Breakdown
Do people secretly lust after me? - Get Some
How can I make myself happy?: - Soul Meets Body
What is in store for this weekend?: - Come as You Are
What song describes my parents? - Implements of Destruction (baaahahaha)
My grandparents? - OH. MY. GOD...."Worked Up So Sexual". That is just plain wrong.
What song will they play at my funeral?: - I Caught Fire (gross.)
What do my friends really think of me?: - Times They Are a Changing
What type of men/women do you like?: - Chop Suey!
What qualities do you really look for in people? - A Vampire's Lament
How is my life going?: - Hide Your Love Away
How is today going to be? - Us and Them
How does the world see me - About a Girl
Will I have a happy life? - Somewhere I Belong
What should I do with my life?: - Revolver
Will I ever have children?: - Love You Like I Do
What is some good advice?: - It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp (wow, icon relevance, creepy and totally unplanned)
What is my signature dancing song - I Think I'm Paranoid
What do I think my current theme song is?: - I Disappear
If you could have anything right now what would it be? - A Letter to Someone Like You
What really turns you on? - Sharp Dressed Man
Well this was fun.