starwarsundies'S PUB!
What: Friends get-together
Where: The Excalibur's Blade pub
When: Saturday Night
Rating: Could be anything knowing this bunch
Kurt wasn't quite trashed, but he had definitely veered well past tipsy into the realms of drunk. He had been sitting on Cosmos until Blaine had splurged on few bottles of the pubs most expensive champagne for tables the group were spread across and Kurt was now on his second glass. Mixing drinks was his downfall and he was now clumsily stepping up onto the small stage with the Karaoke machine and unceremoniously stealing the mic off the person who had been about to start a passionate rendition of 'Yellow Submarine'. Kurt gave the guy a slight bitchpls look before he took a swaying swig from his champagne flute.
He then put the mic up to his mouth. "Ladies and gentlemen and really, really hot teachers," he slurred with a grin and pointed at Blaine with his glass. He started to giggle, wrapping his arm around the mic stand and hugging it has he used it to stop himself swaying so much. "I have 'nnouncement to make! I, Kurt Anderson-Hummel... Hummel... Anderson. Hummel-Anderson... am fabulous and... AND! I'm havin' a baby!" he declared, throwing his hands in the air and spilling half the champagne all over the stage. He then broke into a wave of giggle-snorts, leaning forward so he didn't fall over when he lost his balance.