Feb 15, 2005 16:06
eww.. idko if i like my new livejournal setup and colors but imma chanqe it soon so idc. Yesterday was Valentines Day<3. School was alriqht. My mom & dad qot me a liddle box of chocolates and thats kinda it lol =/ o well. Before dance class, i bouqht Meq a cake because sunday was her 16th birthday =]. Dance was alriqht.. durinq break me, caitlin, meq, katie, and leia walked to hess and chelo's.. me & meq qot HUGE sodass and caitlins overflowed and wouldnt stop cominq out yet aqain =P. After dance i came home, took a shower, watched the seventh heaven musical event =P which was qood but oh so corny, then i went to bed.
Today school was alriqht, nothinq too excitinq happened. i did kinda bad on my math test but so did everyone else but i qot a 5+ on my term paper so that made me happier =]. Well maybe i'll write more later. i qotta qet an outfit for sprinq pictures. comment *