Jan 20, 2005 15:40
ahaha .. Bobby decided to make me a new acronym thinq ::
Tired BoB x: more like this
K Kinky
A Ass kicks ass
I Id love to see you again lol
L loves bobby lol
E njoys to see bobby lol
Y Yow! is what you make the boys say when they walk by
^ haha !
Today was really sucky .. it was one of 'those days' ! i went to school early to do my science fair project and instead of it beinq 8:15-8:4o it was 8:2o-9:15 .. i qot yelled at by Mrs. Hubert for missinq homeroom and beinq late for class .. uqhh !! The test subjectss took wayy too lonq on the test their dumbiess lol juss kyddinq ! in lit. we started a new book which so far is really borinq, in spanish we had to work with our partners and that was sooo borinq, then in Math Miss Unsworth kept on sayinq "ARE YOU DONE YET KAILEY?! " i was qettinq annoyed, then in enqlish i juss did my vocab. assiqnment and talked to Emma because enqlish is really borinq and i didnt want to qet yelled at my Mrs. Hubert aqenn, Lunch was qood.. then after luch The Principal came over the intercom thinq and sedd we all had to evacuate the buildinq because of a suspicious smell.. but the qas co. checked it out and it was fine .. we missed out whole history period but we had reliqion next period soo we still had to do a history worksheet EWW, then science was really really borinq. We also qot our proqress reports and mine sucks its qood but im failinq history what a surprise UGHH !! We ( me, emma, and sam ) showed Mrs. Graff the cheers we qot for the pep rally but we didnt stay for a whole meetinq. The only qood thinq about today is that i only have a little bit of math homework then i can juss do whatever =]. Tomorrow is fridayy yay the dance ! Well im qoinq to talk to people .. Bye !
`* ilovesomeone 'ox