Okay, so the title says it all. This is the most incoherent entry i have ever written. It is a result of:
¤exhaustion from selling, pricing, folding, and piling the stuff we are going to sell tomorrow
¤endless thoughts about fudly and version 2
¤endless dreams about fudly
¤too much thinking
¤pain and anger I am experiencing but covering right now
¤not being able to write an entry for the longest time when so much has happened
So I'm sorry if this entry is too much for you but I have to air ALL of this somewhere. This LJ has become a part of me. Even though I never get tired of telling the same tale over and over to different people, I air all of my thoughts to my closest friends, I have never felt so much emotions because I haven't been writing in my LJ for quite some time already.:O Oh well. I'll probably just put it into cuts so that at least it looks like it's organized.;p
I actually found someone. Someone I didn't compare to the first. Someone I felt comfortable with. Someone who shares the same values, direction and opinion. Someone who I saw with what his pros rather than cons. I didn't think that it would hit me this much. I actually never thought much of it. I was thinking he's just another guy. Another guy that I favored my eye upon. This won't last. He doesnt mean a thing to me. WRONG. Turns out, this guy is more special than I thought. Well more special to my heart that is. I really havent't thought whether I'm a heart-over-mind kind of person or a mind-over-heart kind. I guess I use both to decide. Well, I gave it a few more days. Things were sailing smoothly. I was happy the way it was. Although, I did want more but nevertheless, I was satisfied with everything that was happening. I guess I have a way for jinxing everything good that happens to me. No, I don't jinx it. I am the jinx. Everything in my life seems to be perfect the way it is. But it never stays that way. I never even find a way to make it back to that state. Once I start enjoying what I have, it gets disrupted and I never get the chance to feel it once more. I just wish something temporary would stay longer than expected. I don't know what I do. I never show how much attached I am. I guess I am just a jinx. Well anyway, back to the original thought. Time passed by and he sorta grew on me. It's so weird coz it's summer already. I don't see the guy. I don't get to talk to him. Hints fly by me everyday. Hints fly back to him too. I don't know what happened. I'm guessing he's got better control over his heart...
To Be continued, when I'm not busy. ;p
Thanks for reading. Take careü