today I run into these...

Feb 20, 2014 00:24

We're gonna vote in April, so everything is about politics these days. And it will be my first vote (I didn't vote back in 2010), so I'm reading everything, trying to decide if we have a kind of normal candidate. And wow, I found each party's thoughts about LGBT issues. Here's a link in Hungarian. (x) But I'm gonna translate some gems under the cut.

It's no surprise that our current "leaders" didn't answer the questions, they cut back the LGBT rights. But I was surprised to find out that yes, we have even gay politicians! Where was I when this happened? So we have liberal parties who want LGBT rights, I'm totally gonna vote for them. But here's the most liked opinions on LGBT issues in my country:

"The deviant things can't be accepted or get to be accepted as normal. Nothing will be enough for them [the LGBT community], they don't like the current system because they want to marry and adopt children, but we think their current situation is right and what the Good God or "nature" robbed from them, rights couldn't give it back." - Jobbik

I AM SORRY, WHAT? "DEVIANT THINGS?" Excuse me, but being without empathy is the deviant thing, not being LGBT, also it's funny they just say gay agenda and the like and they never even acknowledge T issues. And you know, we have religion freedom and not all "god/God" hates gays. (Even the Christian God doesn't hate them, but let's continue...

In answering the question what LGBT rights do they support, they said:

"We don't support any rights, we are against them. We don't have any suggestions about this. Why should we? Everyone does what they want between the four walls of their home. What rights do they need for that? This is correct the way it is. No one should say anything about the other's sexual orientation and private life, but if they want to flaunt it and put it on display like it's some kind of an example, then the government should have a say in it to protect the normalcy."

Nice, then please, don't adopt children and don't marry, because that would be equal rights, you know...

Also almost none of the parties think homophobia is a thing in Hungary. The Christian Democratic Party says it's just fiction, the newspapers made this up. And the Jobbik, aka the right wing party says:

"There are liberal countries where it's not a question, they handle the homosexuality as some sort of accepted custom, but these are sick societies, we pity them."

I envy them, not pity them.

In answering the question why do so few politicians come out in public, the Jobbik says:

"The radical liberalism goes to any length just for a few more votes, so why wouldn't they target the faggots?! This is why a coming out is a perfect campaign."

You read that right, our politicians can say faggot in a professional interview. Also, there's no such thing as homophobia. Riiiiiiiight.

In answering the question why should the LGBT community vote for them, the Jobbik says:

"They shouldn't, unless they feel deep down inside they are the deviants, not us..."

Sure, whatever you say.

In other news:

Some Mormon woman thinks Frozen is supporting the gay agenda. (I hate this phrase, it doesn't even make sense.) Hello, lady, the original writer was bisexual... WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?

lgbt rights, language: english, my personal drama

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