Dear Author Letter: The Exchange at Fic Corner

Jul 23, 2013 18:28

Dear Author,

First of all, thank you for writing me, I know whatever you do, it’ll be awesome. I’ll ramble on about what I like and dislike, but don’t feel pressured to write anything, if none of my prompts do anything for you, then write what you like, but please try to watch out for my squicks and dislikes.

I’m happy with:
- genfic: I try to leave gen prompts for each request.
- if I can’t come up with a specific gen prompt or you don’t like it, then you can write character study. I love to see how each character sees the canon story, if they’re not the main characters and I like to see the characters’ past.
- casefic - if your talent lies in telling action packed stories with twists and investigations, then go for it. I think all of my requested fandoms have the potential for it. (even if it’s a short one-shot, though I’m not saying no to a longfic.)
- shippy fic - I listed my preferred ships for each canon, I realize they’re mostly rare, non-canon ships, so don’t feel pressured to write them, if it’s not your cup of tea. As I said, I’m insanely happy with any kind of fic, don’t feel guilty if my ships aren’t your ships.
- explicit fic - if you like to write porn and happen to like one of my ships, but you don’t feel up to plotting something, you can write a PWP fic, I’m okay with it but only then if they’re my preferred ships. And obviously sex scenes in a plotty fic are also okay with me. (See details below about my kinks.)

My general likes:
- Darker and edgier than the canon. I know I requested children books, but I like to see them in adult context, too, so if you can manage that, I’ll be happy. I like to age up the characters, throw them in serious situations.
- angst, hurt/comfort, bittersweet or unhappy endings, tragedy. I like to cry. Major character death, suicide and deathfic are more than okay with me.
- what-if AUs (example: role reversal), multiple universes (I like when a character has the chance to see how their life could have turned out, or get the chance to meet their mirror self), time travel, dystopian/post-apocalyptic AUs (I like sad things and pushing my favorite characters to their limits.)

My general dislikes:
- too fluffy fic, curtain fic, domestic fic, kidfic, de-age: If there’s a canon childbirth, then writing about the kid growing up is fine - example: Kozmotis and Sera - what I don’t like is when a shippy fic focuses on raising the new OC child together.
- all human AUs (barista, band, high school AUs)

NOTE: You can see I like dark things, and I know it’s a small fandom fest and I know that you, my writer, might not like these things, so I just want to make it clear, you can write whatever you’re comfortable with. If your tone is like the canon, I’ll like the fic, even if it’s happy. I’m not against silly, happy, funny, slice-of-life fics, I just read more dark stories.

My trigger: miscarriage (I’m trying to overcome it, mentioning it won’t give me panic attack, but detailed, physical description will.)

Kinks: This is just for safety, if you would like to write explicit sex scenes. I’m absolutely okay with vanilla sex or no sex in shippy fics; I’m just listing these, because I had wondering authors in past exchanges what I like.
[Kink list, if you need]
My kinks: bites and bruises, weapon kink (guns and knives), BDSM, collars, consent play, dirty talk (mildly), double penetration, emotion play, gags, non-con, dub-con.
Not my kinks: ageplay, bestiality, bloodplay (it’s a murky territory for me, a little blood is okay, menstrual and animal blood is not), body part fetishes, bodily fluids, body alteration, breathplay, caning, chastity devices, crossdressing, sex pollen, exhibitionism, fisting, genital torture, guro, humiliation, medical play, mummification, pegging, furry kink, voyeurism, waterpsort, necrophilia.

1. Guardians of Childhood - William Joyce
Katherine (Guardians of Childhood), Mother Nature (Guardians of Childhood), Nightlight (Guardians of Childhood), Pitch Black | Kozmotis Pitchiner, Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)

What I like about the canon: Guardians of Childhood has a special place in my heart. Somehow William Joyce managed to write more than just a middle grade book, or at least, for me. I like the serious aspects of the stories: North and his backstory, how he was redeemed by the friendship and love of Katherine. I like how each broken and flawed and lonely character starts to feel as a part of a family, because Katherine is the magical glue between them. I like Pitch’s character, and how he is still capable of love, (he’s not a one-dimensional villain) and I like how the good characters are still capable of wrong things (the elves, and the interrogation and wrong motivations in the third book by our heroes). So all in all, I like how complex and bittersweet this story is, even if it’s for children.

Gen prompts: - obviously any continuation from the third book’s cliffhanger is absolutely fine. I’m curious how you think this will turn out. You can write about how North and co. find Katherine.
- for Katherine, I’d like to see her first encounter with Mother Nature, (it can be a start of a shippy fic, or not) how Katherine tries to reconcile Mother Nature with Pitch.
- though generally I’d like to see a book timeline fic, I’m curious about where Katherine is while the movie takes place. How did she work as a Guardian and more importantly: Why isn’t she a Guardian now?
- How did Sera ended up as Mother Nature? What’s her backstory?
- And speaking of her, Mother Nature’s backstory: I’d like absolutely anything from her childhood, how did she grow up? What was her relationship with her father? How did she mourn her father?
- for Nightlight, I’d like to see a fic which deals with his trauma, he was trapped with Pitch and it sure couldn’t be nice. Does he have nightmares? What are his fears? I’d like to see him opening up to Katherine slowly.
- for Pitch, I’d like to see how he deals with his human emotions and resurfacing memories about his daughter.
- if you’re into darkfic, I can picture Katherine going dark side with Pitch, as his Fearling Princess. Or she can even be herself, desperate for fatherly love. (with lots of emotional manipulation on Pitch’s part.)
- for Jack, I’d like to see a book timeline fic, before he turns into Jack Frost, the winter spirit. We know from the fourth book’s summary that Jack will appear, how? I’d like to see Jack meeting (while human) with any of the Guardians or Pitch or Mother Nature.

Preferred ships: Nightlight/Katherine, Pitch/Katherine, Pitch/Nightlight, Katherine/Mother Nature, Pitch/Jack

Shippy prompts: - Nightlight/Katherine - the above mentioned Nightlight opening up to Katherine somehow, it doesn’t have to be with words. Or how come the two of them are not Guardians in present times? If they ended up dead, was it some kind of tragic love story? I also like the fics where Katherine grows old and Nightlight doesn’t, how do they deal with this?
- Pitch/Katherine - I’m aware of the fact that this is soooo strange, and kind of incest-y and disturbing. And I’d like a fic just like that. And the aforementioned Katherine goes darkside trope is okay for shippy fic too.
- Pitch/Nightlight - something with obsession (because Pitch does obsess over Nightlight a lot.) They were locked together for a looong time, and it’s like Nightlight was literally in Pitch’s heart. I could imagine some kind of soulbond between the two as a side effect of being trapped together.
- Katherine/Mother Nature - they are the two prominent women in Pitch’s life and somehow I can see them together, because Katherine does remind Pitch of Sera, so they can be similar. I’d like to see how exactly these two ladies can get together. How does their first encounter end? Does Mother Nature keep Katherine and it becomes some sort of twisted Stockholm-syndrome thing? Or they just hit it off because Katherine reminds Mother Nature of her mortal/normal life?
- Pitch/Jack - if you choose this, I’d like to see some book timeline interaction. How did they meet? Was Jack a human or not? If Jack is a human, I’d like to see what Jack forgot about his relationship with Pitch, when he became a spirit, and maybe show how they’ll deal with it after the movie’s events.

2. Hiccup Series - Cressida Cowell:
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Toothless (How to Train Your Dragon), Alvin the Treacherous, Camicazi (Hiccup)

What I like about the canon: Just as the Guardians, this book series has a special place in my heart, and I like to see it more than just a middle grade book. I love the sarcastic humor, the strong family elements (and mostly the dysfunctional family themes), the dragons (:D), and how Hiccup is a little rebel against the traditional way. I can relate to Hiccup because I’m an outsider too, so everything about Hiccup’s loneliness makes me happy. And obviously, I adore Hiccup and Toothless’ friendship.

NOTE: My country only released three Hiccup books, I’ve managed to read six ones. Long story short, I do have eight books, and the fic deadline is somewhere in September, I can read them till then, but it seems I can’t buy the last two books right now. So if you could manage not to spoil them, I’d be happy!

Gen prompts: - Any searching for pirate/Viking treasure, adventure fic.
- Anything evil planned by Alvin, and averted by our heroes.
- I’d like to see Alvin’s backstory, I don’t know if the future books have them, but still… (you can spoiler this one. :D)
- Camicazi’s backstory: Was she always good at burglary or not? If she had to practice, then write some of her failures, if she was always brilliant, then show me some of her biggest success.
- You can write any heroic story in Toothless POV, I’d like to see how he paints himself as the hero and everyone else just a nuisance.
- Hiccup joining Alvin on the dark side. I know, I have an unhealthy obsession with this trope.
- And the AU prompts in my general likes are very welcomed here.

Preferred ships: If you like this book and cartoon with a child’s innocence then skip this. It’s about THAT one pairing.[That one ship]
Toothless/Hiccup: I know, I know, I absolutely see their relationship as bickering like old married couples, and I like the fights and how they still love each other. I’m very aware that Toothless is a mini-dragon, but in fics, you can write anything, and by anything I mean shapeshifting, some kind of a curse, which makes Toothless human or anthro. As I mentioned, I don’t like bestiality.

3. False Memory - Dan Krokos:
Sequel (False Memory), Peter West, Olive South, Noah East, Miranda North

What I like about the canon: It’s a fast-paced, action packed sci-fi WITH CLONES! I love clones, I adore clones. There isn’t really anything else to it, I like the mystery, I like how badass the characters are, and how they are clones, and try to deal with it.

Gen prompts: - Anything angsty dealing with the fact that they’re clones.

Preferred ships: My shipping is crazy with this one. While I read the book, I always tried to come up with a scenario, where there could be more interaction between the evil clones and our heroes, and MORE romance. I’m generally not for the happy-fluffy feels, but this book deserves some happiness. I ship absolutely everyone/everyone, especially the clones of the same person. And my dream is that everyone survived this book (so a fix-it fic would be nice) and they live happily, on some island in a harem. You can pair up any clone kid with any other clone kid, I’ll like it, yes, even the canon ships. I know a fair amount of characters didn’t get to be nominated, you can ignore my ship list, if you want to write some gen or character study, but here’s that list: Rhys/Miranda, Peter/Miranda, Noah/Miranda, Rhys/Sequel, Miranda/Sequel, Peter/Olive, Noah/Olive, Miranda/Olive, Grace/Miranda, Tobias/Miranda

4. Engelsforstrilogin | The Engelsfors Trilogy - Mats Strandberg & Sara Bergmark Elfgren:
Anna-Karin Nieminen, Minoo Falk Karimi, Ida Holmström, Linnéa Wallin, Vanessa Dahl

What I like about the canon: The atmosphere! I like the creepy, icy, cold feeling this book has. I like that all of the characters are very flawed, they don’t like each other at first, and not everything is perfect. I like their personal life and misery and how they’re trying to deal with that as much as their magical abilities.

NOTE: Though I have the second book, I haven’t read it yet, but I’m planning to finish it till September. So you can write about spoilers. And though it’s a Swedish book, I’m not Swedish, so in English, please! :)

Gen prompts: I won’t be helpful on this one, I love all the girls, yes, even Ida. So any character study, slice-of-life, magical mishap, dealing with their life is fine with me.

Preferred ships: Linnéa/Vanessa, Anna-Karin/Ida

5. The Archived - Victoria Schwab:
Roland (The Archived), MacKenzie Bishop

What I like about the canon: The utter sadness and grief. The beautiful, yet terrible Archive. The mysteries and memories hidden in old, musty places and faded photographs.

Gen prompts: - MacKenzie dealing with her grief, and the fact that what had happened at the end of the story (yes, Owen)
- Roland’s backstory, how he became an Archivist. (please, forgive me, if it’s not the right word, I have only the Hungarian copy of this book, and as of yet, I haven’t seen the English version.)

Preferred ships: Roland/MacKenzie - I thought there were something between them, besides the mentor-student relationship. I’m not sucker for the mentor-student dynamic, but here, oh God, it felt something more. I liked how Roland was basically alive because of MacKenzie and how he took care of her. So anything with them, in a slowly blooming, quiet, hurt/comfort romantic relationship would be nice.

6. Portero Universe - Dia Reeves:
Hanna Jarvinen, Kit Cordelle, Fancy Cordelle

What I like about the canon: The blood! The morbid, utter craziness! The importance of love transcending everything, if someone loves you, they can even forgive murder. The creepy, fun creatures!

Gen prompts: - Anything with a monster of the week style.
- I’d like to see the three girls, working together.
- Hanna’s past in the mental institute, or with her aunt.

fandom: how to train your dragon, language: english, fandom: portero universe, fandom: the archived, challenge: exchange at fic corner, fandom: the engelsfors trilogy, medium: letter, fandom: false memory, fandom: guardians of childhood

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