
Jan 18, 2013 23:59

Spoilers under the cut:

Once Upon a Time - 2x11 - The Outsider

A Belle-centric episode, that’s exactly what I needed. I scrolled through tumblr and saw that how everyone basically hates Belle’s characterization because she is so clingy with Rumple, and they think this isn’t healthy. But to me, Belle is perfect: yes, she can forgive anything Rumple does, and it’s probably not a very healthy thing, but I like it anyway, it has all the problems a dark love would have, and we know I love the dark and edgy things. I loved how badass Belle was and she has courage and book smartness. And we had Mulan and Phillip’s first meeting, which was also interesting.

I loved Belle’s speech to Hook, how she wasn’t even afraid, and saw right through him (though I’d like to think Hook has redeeming qualities), and oh, the ending. The Belle losing her memory part was okay, but it’s heart wrenching obviously, but the car, omg, I laughed so hard as Hook learned how to fly, I mean, it was cringe-worthy scripting, but oh, well, I can go with that, because the next episode has Dr. Whale, and you know, maybe Emma will visit our pirate.

Episode rating: ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!

Arrow - 1x10 - Burned

So we start with Jo, whose brother died. Yay. I mean, it’s really forced writing in my opinion, because up until then we didn’t know about her brother, she was just a token character and that’s that. Now, she got limelight and obviously, then put on a bus. Nice.

Laurel, omg, Laurel was so annoying. Her father obviously tricked her, and I know I’m being a bitch because I hate my father and can’t comprehend that kind of fatherly love, but sweetheart, if someone leaves EVIDENCE in front of you, it’s suspicious. And then she went pro-Hood Guy again, she’s like a revolving door, I swear. Now I like him, no I don’t, it’s tiresome and boring. Now she had this argument against the Hood being a killer (WHICH HE IS) “Oh, if he’s a murderer then he wouldn’t give a phone to you.” Omg, how many killers leave notes to the police, because they love to tease? Laurel, get yourself together, because I like you less and less. And the cheesy speech about that Laurel never does anything slowly, really? That’s your explanation of her being in love with Oliver? Because if she likes someone even a little bit or just attracted then she wants to marry them? It made no sense whatsoever, and was just again a forced parallel about how Oliver and Laurel are the same and they are meant to be. In my opinion, it doesn’t prove neither, Oliver isn’t that emotional, at least not anymore. I don’t know why the writers are forcing them together. Tommy on the other hand, is perfect for Laurel, I think it’s sweet he tries to change and grow up (not because of a tragedy or revenge, like Oliver) because of Laurel and what he feels for her. Ladies and gentlemen, that is real love there, not what Oliver and Laurel ‘have.’ (Which I can’t see, I’m sorry.)

I adored Thea again, and scarily she had the same moments as I had when I was young. Maybe I see myself in her? Maybe that’s why I like her. So she had the right to snap at Moira, who I don’t like, because come on, woman, YOU shipped off your husband, you killed your first husband, and you don’t get the right to be depressed.

I loved the mention of suicide and the spotlight on family again. It was heartbreaking that Quentin used her daughter, and I loved how Oliver turns toward his family more and more. And also I loved the angst and doubts Oliver had. So all in all, it was yet another perfect episode, even if the main plot didn’t go anywhere.

Episode rating: ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!

Supernatural - 8x10 - Torn and Frayed

Who did think that we have seen this like a thousand times? Because, yes, we have. A perfectly good angel character tortured and killed off? Check. The brothers brooding? Check. One of them is being tricked and controlled? Check. The brothers chose each other above all else meaning happiness? Check.

It’s unhealthy, it’s angsty, yet it’s the main core of Supernatural, so I liked the brothers relationship, obviously, and loved how the ending scene mirrored the one in 7x10, but I felt myself a little cheated.

Episode rating: I liked it.

The Vampire Diaries - 4x10 - After School Special

The plot didn’t go forward. Yes, Silas is someone terrifying. (I want to see him, I hope he’ll be badass.) Yes, Kol is one good-looking Original. Yes, Rebekah’s need for love is desperate. Yes, Klaus likes killing. BUT THE OTHER STORY LINES? Meh. Delena is sickening (to me at least) and the whole forced truth or dare scenario was unnecessary and torturous and not in a good way. Too much teen drama. And Stefan was a dick to even think about erasing his memories. Drama queen much?

Episode rating: It was okay.

Overall Week Rating: 5/4

medium: tv series reviews, fandom: arrow, fandom: supernatural, language: english, fandom: the vampire diaries, fandom: once upon a time

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