Its been awhile since I seen that smile

Oct 17, 2007 02:13

Wow lets just say that! Wow!
I haven't been out in awhile since I been sick, I used to see so many bands.
Well just got home from the Double Door seeing Blind Melon.
They Blew Chicago away, The new singer is amazing and their new songs rock.
I saw Blind Melon at the Metro 12 years ago like the show before Shannon Hoon died, at that show he broght out his little girl Nico and was so proud of her, well at tonites show they brought out Shannons mom and Nico came out and sang a few songs with the band including the closing of No Rain. Her First and only time singing her fathers songs on stage in front of like 500 people. They are making a DVD of the tour and for sure this will be on it. They sounded so tight and the new singer had everyones eyes on him and he blew everyone away, like he said he grew up lisening to these songs and it was a dream come true to be asked to join and he had Shannons families blessings, He said "I'm not here to replace Shannon but to keep these great songs alive and keeping the spirit alive. Well if you get a chance go see them, buy the CD and DVD. But sorry we were the only ones to see Nico perform. I still have Ween to see on Saturday so I just might keep this smile all week......its been awhile since I seen that smile........

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