Multiple Choice ; Nichkhun/Wooyoung

Jan 01, 2012 22:16

Happy new year to all :) Hopefully 2012 will be a great year for all of us. It's been a long while since I've posted, and I thought that the first day of 2012 would be an appropriate time for me to do so.

Title: Multiple Choice
Rating: PG
Fandom: 2PM
Pairing(s): Nichkhun/Wooyoung
Word count: ~700 words
Disclaimer: This is only fiction.

Multiple Choice

1. This is how it starts:

(a) Wooyoung first believes that something might be possible when Nichkhun hugs him from behind the way he always does - casual, friendly, familiar - resting his chin on Wooyoung's shoulder, except that this time, it is a little different. It's more than casual, friendly or familiar. Nichkhun's breath is hot against Wooyoung's ear and the side of his throat. Wooyoung's heart clenches when Nichkhun's hands linger briefly on his hips before stepping away.

(b) Nichkhun throws Wooyoung against the wall, and kisses him - it's not romantic or tender or anything that first kisses between two people should be. It's desperate and savage and angry and Wooyoung's head throbs from the impact. But it is electric and they both feel it. Nichkhun breaks away, dragging the back of his hand across his mouth. He looks at Wooyoung like he is another person, like he is something new and unfamiliar. Like he is suddenly dangerous. He turns to leave. Wooyoung lunges forward and grabs him by the elbow.

(c) Wooyoung hugs Nichkhun, and Nichkhun hugs back, and they stay that way for far too long and neither pushes the other away.

2. And after that, things change:

(a) Wooyoung repeats the word boyfriend, weighing it on his tongue, and he can't help but break into a grin. Nichkhun elbows him, wearing a matching grin, and asks, does that mean yes? And Wooyoung thinks that with Nichkhun, it is always yes.

(b) They don't talk about what it is - this thing between them. They don't talk about boundaries, or rules, or commitment, or feelings. In the short stolen moments of solitude that they have, they map the landscape of each other's bodies, making new and thrilling discoveries every time, and there is never any time left over for talk.

(c) It is not a relationship - they agree on that. They are members and friends, first and foremost, and nothing should endanger that. This isn't a relationship, Nichkhun says. Wooyoung doesn't ask then what is it, even though he wants to. He knows that putting a name to this will not change anything. This is not a relationship. It can never be. But when they hold hands discreetly in the car on the way home, Wooyoung can't help but think that this is something important. Something precious.

3. It all begins to fall apart when:

(a) Nichkhun is always texting, and when Wooyoung asks who he is talking to, Nichkhun flashes him a vague smile and changes the subject.

(b) They fight and it is ugly. Mean, vicious words are exchanged, and then Wooyoung says something which makes Nichkhun go white. Nichkhun says, take that back, but Wooyoung doesn't.

(c) Wooyoung used to think that he would happily go anywhere, as long as Nichkhun was with him. They have been in this non-relationship for a long, long time, and Wooyoung finally says I can't do this any more. They have spent a long, long time together, going absolutely nowhere, and Wooyoung finds that he really can't do this any more.

4. It ends like this:

(a) There is no surprise or anger when Nichkhun admits that there is someone else. There is only the dull ache of resignation, and a sharp pang at the realisation that he can no longer think of Nichkhun as his own. Nichkhun belongs to someone else now.

(b) It takes Wooyoung two days to apologize. Nichkhun tells him, don't worry, it's okay, we're okay. That's when Wooyoung realises that it is already too late. Things have already changed.

(c) They hold each other close for one last time, and Wooyoung thinks: this isn't an ending. Not really. How can something end if it never really began? Countless could-have-been's and what-if's crowd around them, making it hard to breathe. Wooyoung closes his eyes and waits for Nichkhun to let go.

5. The truth is:

No matter what the answer is for all the above, no matter how it starts or how it ends or what happens in between, there is only one truth. In every possible universe, there is a moment when they look at each other and the world shifts. That is the one truth that does not change.


rated: pg, length: one-shot, pairing: nichkhun/wooyoung, fic: 2pm

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