Mar 07, 2011 18:18
Edited to add:
After 3 weeks, all seepage had ceased. It no longer seeps, but stays completely within the earthenware. The surface looks and feels slightly moist rather than dry however. All the microscopic pockets must have filled up.
Less than 1/4 tsp. of oil was lost overall.
Earthenware obviously stores olive oil, just not as the modern cook expects it to.
Alas, after over 3 days the olive oil has seeped through the base of the earthenware pot onto the paper napkin. It's dampness rather than a puddle. I suspect that the seepage will stop when the clay body is filled/has reached it's capacity of oil.
Ancient potter's wouldn't have wasted it on a simple earthenware pot, but a way to keep it earthenware and prevent it from seeping on the counter would be a coat of terra sigilatta on the base.
The stoneware pot stands unfazed.
Change of subject:
Anyone else going to KA&S this year?
We have about 8 going from Lyonsmarche