Quick quick post before I get back to homework; because I actually want to get to bed by a decent hour (like...1:00 a.m., as opposed to...3:00 a.m.) tonight.
And because I haven't posted in like 2 weeks.
Supernatural is like cocaine on screen.
Philosophy is dumb. Yeah, maybe some of these guys have a point, but...since none of them seem to account for things happening on a case-by-case basis, at all...I don't care. It doesn't always apply. I don't care what your rule is: it never always applies.
I've been in a super weird mood. Like...not anti-social, not exactly, but like...selectively social. Like I was saying to
galenhiril, I'm pretty much only interested in interaction right now if I hands-down love you and you're not pressuring me to do..anything. God, I've been lethargic. It's awful. All all all I have had any interest in doing is watching Supernatural and rping and cuddling/chatting/talking on the phone with my people. (Which, like..not that those things are bad, not at all, it's just like...harmful levels of ONLY wanting to do those things.)
Oh, and make in-character playlists and listen to those a lot.
Don't judge.
And I want to know how I did on my art history midterm!!
And I need to make a list because I know I have about 8734879457894587 things I'm supposed to do tomorrow/this week, and right now...only a few are coming to mind.
And~ um...huh. That may be it. Hopefully I will be a little more present this week, but this week will be busy, too (Rob Thomas concert, Japanese test--in two parts over two days, kidlets from Family Housing trick-or-treating in our dorm on Thursday, and then Halloween~)
Now don't get me wrong, this holiday/part of the year is my absolute absolute favorite, but I will also be thrilled for it to be done; so things chill out some.
♥ all.