30 Days of Doctor Who -- (Day Two) Favorite Companion

Jan 08, 2012 16:08

30 Days of Doctor Who: Favorite Companion

And who might that favorite companion be, you ask? Well, none other than the Lone Centurion, the Boy-Who-Waited: Rory Williams (Pond).

While I have a soft spot for all the new series companions (even Rose, but only just), Rory is, without a doubt, my absolute favorite (with Martha and Amy coming in as second and third).

When series five was still in the works and Rory's character was announced, there was a unanimous groan throughout the fandom. Really, did we need another Mickey character? A character to serve as the Doctor's romantic foil, further proving that no man on Earth can compare to the illusive time traveler. Little did we know, though, that that assumption would be turned on its head. Yes, Rory did serve as a foil for the Doctor, but not in the way expected. Rory became the man who loved a woman enough to spend 2000 years protecting her and the insight to see the Doctor for who he is, a manipulative jerk at times.

There's so many reasons that I could list to explain my love for Rory, ranging from Arthur Darvill's performance to Rory and Amy's relationship. The list goes on and on. And with Moffat claiming that the Ponds departure will be heart wrenching, all I have to say is that Rory better not die. Again.

Then again, though, Team TARDIS alone makes me pretty happy as it is.

(Rory gif courtesy of supposedcat, Team TARDIS gif belongs to lexiingram.)

Side Note: I decided to partake in the 30 Days of Doctor Who challenge, obviously. But, as it happens, I started this on Tumblr rather than LJ. So, yeah, today's posts are being posted at the same time. It happens. I would like to note, though, that I probably won't be too consistent on posting these here on LJ. I spend far more time on Tumblr and it's, as of this moment, a bit more a priority. I'll try an update here but, if you're curious, you'll probably find quite a bit more there. I'll put a link if you're curious. :)


the ponds, team tardis, doctor who, rory williams, 30 days of doctor who, nerdy goodness, fandom

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