Nov 06, 2004 12:57
It was Guy Fawkes night last night. I used to adore bonfire night when I was back home. I remeber being so upset I wouldn't get to be there for last one before i move to Canada. I loved watching the fireworks and the bonfire in Markeaton Park. I miss going on the fairground rides and trying to watch the beautiful show in the sky as you twizzle and turn all over the place.
3 years is a long time. It's all of my "adult life" I guess. I iwsh I was happier.
I *fingers crossed* start a hairdresser course at St-Laurent Coiffure on Monday. Very, very scary. I need to call and sort out paying and things. I'm terrified though so I'm putting if it off minute by minute. It's going to be entirely in French. I'm extra frigthened about this. I hope I can cope.
I think I'm really sick. My circulation is fucked. I can't stand up without getting so dizzy I almost black out. I have headaches all the time. Blergh. I'm sick allover.