*fingers crossed for adam and the wonderful job he is about to get*
So it's looking like we will be staying in Manchester for longer than I had planned. This is especially good for one reason. One of my dreams has been to open my own shop, where I can sell various clothing/art/sculpture/misc to the uneducated masses. In Manchester there is this wonderful place called Afflecks Palace, inside it is full of lots and lots of little shops. Allegedly you can rent space here for a very reasonable amount. Katy and I have talked somewhat about the idea of opening somewhere together in there. I will be able to hand pick everything that goes in there, and hopefully showcase some of my hideously talented friends work (
maery you are most definately someone I want to talk to about this). The plan would be to take the best things I have found here and england and put them all into a crazy little shop. Katy and I seem to be on very much the same wavelength so I know that will work out well. It's just a case of putting it together now. It's good because doing it at Afflecks means is practically risk free, the potential for profit is limited I would imagine but it's a very good starter place.
Have been looking at gorgeous flats online. Think we are going to get a place by the canal or in the Nothern Quarter. I love some of the places further down the canal (that's where it's got less shit in it as well i hear), they are all well within price range as well. Getting somewhere fully furnished rules, the sort of places we are looking at have super swank chrome wood style furnishings so that's very exciting. Living with Nick and Nikki will jsut be the cing on the cake, I love them to bits and they are adams best friends so couldn't really work out better could it.
I don't want to stay in England. Not for more than a couple of years. I don't like it. I do love the people I have met though and the times I've had. I'm willing to try living there again and trying to find a niche in which I can be happy. If it ever starts to suck my soul again though I'm out and I wont ever go back.
THink I am jsut going to go to Satoshi this weekend. Can't wait to see him again.