Dec 17, 2006 22:27
Black & white,
a film strip,
played it back
'bout nineteen
times, 'til I'd mustered up
that Mary Pickford poise&
pursed my lips so black
&tiny.fixed on the screen, then
History! high contrast,
motion picture show:
We were fine fine actors,
and we filled reels with
colourless love & plot
& action. It was classic,
the fact that this film was
a lover's
kiss without the pink,
without the ocean-
coloured eyes,
the colour of saltwater
will be the same in every
film strip, high contrast &
clear. as it rolls down
china face, powder-painted.
Sharp lips, tight & painted.
fingernails flat black:
Graying eye,
following a clear path
down a whitened neck
a black-stitched seam&
breasts beneath which
heart would beat red
red-red, red-red----
but you can't see colour on the screen in a blackwhitemoviescene: