"Love takes hostages. "

Aug 10, 2009 01:20

Things I've learned today:

* Drunk people are fun to throw things at.

* Apparently making hot girls make-out is hawt. However, making ugly girls make-out that are best friends and don't really want to make-out is just funny. (This is what they tell me. But they deserved it, because they lost at beer pong.)

* Burning a likeness of a bitchy-cunt-face-ex-girlfriend  doesn't really help the person.

* People seem to care about people without logic and can be still be hurt by them even when they know their person is  a fucktard-bitch-butt-face.

* Being around drunk people makes me less coherent.

* I need to never turn my phone to vibrate at home in case I miss a call from a drunk person who needed a ride home and drove home themselves. Like today. But he's ok, thank goodness.

* Drunk people are more fun until they get depressed about the shit they got drunk for. Then they just mumble and say really emo things like, "I've cried all the tears I can for her. There are no more left,"and flop around on the couch.

* My mother is an incredibly cheerful drunk. I've never seen her mad and drunk.

* Middle-aged women like to have house parties with other middle-aged women.

* Where's Waldo never works on Sundays at Tysons. The sister tried. The mall just clears out too fast.

* Amp on an empty stomach = shaky voice / gastrointestinal horror.

* If you put coffee in the freezer, it does freeze solid.

edit: Am I the only person who thinks Phantom of the Opera is a fantastic break-up movie? It's full of angry music and the hero doesn't get the girl in the end. See, I always rooted for the phantom.  CHRISTINE IS NOT THE HERO, DAMMIT!

Today was pretty ok. I had a good talk with mah buddy about religion. I realized why I don't like churches. Firstly there are the holier-than-thous. Secondly, people are telling you what to think and not how or why. If a person blindly follows their pastor, they do not believe in God. They believe in their pastor. I don't believe true faith can be achieved through brain-washing, which is the technique most Christian institutions seem to follow. I appreciate the faith of people who have converted to different religions because they go against the things they were brought up to believe in to worship things they have come to believe. Also, they think that their God is the one true god. Which annoys me. I think that, if there is any ultimate god, all of the gods that are worshipped in the world are merely aspects of the one god. This is a pretty Hindu viewpoint.

Have you ever heard the story of the blind men and the elephant? Well, a group of blind men encountered an elephant for the first time one day. They all went to feel the elephant to get an idea of what it was. One man, who felt the elephant's tusks said, "An elephant is like a spear!" Another, who had felt the elephant's tail, said, "Hells no! An elephant is like a whip!" A guy who felt the elephant's side said, "WTF mate? It's like a wall!" And so on. So yeah. If there is a god, I think the religious institutions are the blind men and god is the elephant. whee, elephants.

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