(This entry is like 3 days in the making)
I had a dream. It was like an episode of Torchwood, except instead of the Torchwood cast it was the lunch group. And it wasn't really about aliens. There was a zombie/vampire Canadian from the early 1900s or something. She gave Erin Christmas money. I think I got cigarettes. Then we pushed her into the sunshine or something and she died. And somebody killed a zombie with a jar of spaghetti sauce. And much of this all happened in a Vogel-fied imaginings of a city resembling Boston or a futuristic Costco. It was very pretty. I wish I could paint because it was very pretty and very vivid.
Ahaha. I read "The Color Purple". I really liked it. It was like, "la la la, abusive husband, weird slutty mean woman sleeping with husband, more abusive relationships, lesbians--What?" The end made me cry. But that may just have been because I was high from the lack of sleep. Or maybe I was yawning and my eyes teared up. =___=;;
I like putting scotch in my coffee. :D It makes me dance.
I've very recently gotten over my fear of driving. Now I no longer seize with terror every time I have to change lanes. It's actually a little bit... Car-thartic.....Ahaha. I crack myself up sometimes.
My mother's acupuncturist was murdered. She's a bit freaked out. Hm. Apparently she was a nice lady.
I had a dream. It was like an episode of Torchwood, except instead of the Torchwood cast it was the lunch group. And it wasn't really about aliens. There was a zombie/vampire Canadian from the early 1900s or something. She gave Erin Christmas money. I think I got cigarettes. Then we pushed her into the sunshine or something and she died. And somebody killed a zombie with a jar of spaghetti sauce. And much of this all happened in a Vogelfied imaginings of a city resembling Boston or a futuristic Costco. It was very pretty. I wish I could paint because it was really very pretty.
Leave me a comment and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better. Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
1.If you had to choose one creature to live with on earth (humans, lizards, deer, birds), while every other type of creature ceased to exist, what creatures would you live with?
A cat. Duh. We'd spend all day being incredibly chill. That or a raptor. :3
2.Do you like puzzles? Would you rather work on easy ones that make you feel good about yourself, or hard ones that challenge you? Take a minute to think about your response to the second part of this question, is it honestly true?
I don't really like puzzles. Unless they result in productiveness. Like computer science. And if theyr'e challenging and i get it, well, I just feel like I kicked Hitler in the nads.
3.Would you prefer music, or visual art?
Visual art. It's quiet and contemplative.
4.Would you rather be awake at day or night? Do you prefer stars or clouds?
Night. I have a loud household and that's when everyone is asleep and not yelling at me. I like clouds better. Especially at the end of the day. They make me think of having elephants in the sky. Or whales. Or zepplins. Seriously, go outside one day when there are fluffy clouds out and imagine the clouds to be somehting else. The stars around here kind of suck.
5.What is your favourite book?
That's a really hard question. Hmph. But I'd have to pick "Dead Men do Tell Tales". It's an autobiography by a forensic anthropologist. He's kind of super pretentious but the ghost writer has a style I really like. Reading about horrible murders also helps curb my more sadistic tendencies. I've read it over like 4 times or so.
Ok I tried cutting the meme but my browser is retarded.