I have been writing quite a bit in the past few days and enjoying it immensely. As for progress on my super-secret-shh-don't-tell-anyone story, I have hit the 32 page mark. WOOOOOOOOO!!!! After this triumph, I decided to take a break and write some rather odd poetry. These have been posted on my
dev-art as I work on touching up the dialogue of the prologue and first few chapters (Inner Me: Waaaaaaaaaah....I don wannnnnnnaaaaaaaa/ Outer Me with Whip: Cease thine whining foul mentality. Writewritewrite).
I'm fairly certain that adolescents (myself being among them) are 65% on our way to becoming zombies. I purchased my new cell phone two weeks ago and it hasn't been out of my hands since. Text messaging at 3 in the morning is a horrible horrible thing when you wake up at 5:30. Is anyone else addicted to their cell phones? Or am I alone in the universe? The only person to tap their fingers impatiently and try to do that crazy ribbon hair Miho thing while they wait? My latest conspiracy theory has a great deal to do with the Cell-phonic Legions and their overmasters RECEPTION *shudder*.
So go look at my poems! Unfortunately, the general mood rather matches the sort of weather that has been going around lately, which is worse than summer colds and golden-rod allergies put together (my least two favorite things about this season- oh. and people who can wear bikinis and look good- horrifying). If another drop of rain falls on top of my bookshelf than I am going to personally become a head advocate for the anti-cloud seeding movement.
My story hints for this post are: werewolf, treachery, beast-tongued, and sight.
Crazy Ribbon Hair Miho Thing:
Oh my Gideon. You don't know who Miho is? As in Miho: school girl with zombie legions (I really love this word today) at her command. I command you to go read Megatokyo. It is my absolute favorite web comic of all time and deserves your viewage. Attend!
This here be the first comic strip!