Nov 22, 2015 21:01
I've made it to ME2 with Leah Shepard, and with that I think the Undertale Interlude might (might) finally be ending. I sort of just took a week off and fell to pieces for a while, there. I met up with my old CA and discussed potential moving dates and whatnot, which I really hope we can stick to.
In the meantime, I've got some packing to do. It's going to be different living with roommates again, mainly because CRA is rather vanilla (like, "no overnight guests" vanilla, not that that'll be a problem). I'm going to need to either upgrade my current storage system or find a new one. The suitcase method is getting a little old... It almost feels like taking a step back, contracting after I've over-extended myself. In a weird way, I kind of want it. My rent would be cut in less than half, and I wouldn't need to pay for water or electricity or even internet. That's more than I could have hoped for.
I drove out to Seaside yesterday and spent maybe an hour and a half there, mostly to get a container full of beach sand to prove to myself that I am, in fact, living near the Pacific Ocean. For some reason the three days worth of driving didn't convince me. Got some fantastic hipster shots with my instax while I was there, though. Never have I been so proud of a picture of two jugs full of jawbreakers.
What is it about the beach that turns the whole area around them into a touristy mess? In the same way that Orlando is three steps bigger than Arlington, Seaside is three steps smaller than Savannah. There's the aquarium, the ice cream shop, the kitschy jewelry and clothing stores, the old-timey photograph boutique, and the candy shop that sells saltwater taffy. The only thing Seaside has that I know for sure Savannah didn't was a head shop.
For now, though, I had one interview this week and a lot of people asking me about opportunities for floor/facility nursing that I really don't want. I'm hoping it won't invalidate my UI claim that I said no to the per diem med/surg floor positions in Dallas. God, that was the kind of position I used to dream about in high school, and now I can't imagine anything I'd enjoy less.
Funny how things change.
my little runaway,
coming up for air