comment fics

May 20, 2012 14:37

Title: Campfire Stories
Rating/Warnings: PG13
Length: 472 words
Summary: for the prompt Avengers movieverse, Clint + team, I tell the story about losing my virginity as a ghost story around campfires. I have emotional problems. Tony pushes for everyone's stories.

Campfire Stories

“Come on,” Tony goads, dropping onto the couch next to Bruce without spilling a single drop of his whiskey. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

Clint thinks that he’s invading Bruce’s personal space more than anyone else would dare to, and not just physically, and maybe that’s why Bruce lets him.

“My first year at college,” Bruce says and then adds, with a self-depreciating smirk, “I would have been happy with a kiss at the door.”

“Aww, how sweet,” says Tony, transferring the whiskey to his right hand and throwing the other around Bruce’s shoulders.

“The day I became I warrior I also became a man,” Thor declares.

“Which would be when?”

“We do not count years in the manner of your people,” says Thor, “but I think it would be thirteen.”

“Huh.” Tony downs half his drink like it’s water. “Well that’s me beat. I was fourteen. She was hot. What about you, Cap?”

Clint wonders if anyone has informed Tony yet that Steve can’t get drunk. He certainly hasn’t, because watching Tony ply Steve with drinks in the hope of getting god only knows what is all kinds of amusing.

“I haven’t,” says Steve and he doesn’t sound embarrassed about it at all.

“Really?” says Tony. “Not ever?”

“Too busy saving the world,” Steve tells him and Clint swears that when the Captain lifts his glass to drink it’s to hide a smile.

“We can fix that,” says Tony and Steve just shakes his head at him.

“Some of us like to wait for the right partner, Tony.”

“Fine, fine.” He raises his glass to Steve and finishes his whiskey, downing the second half. “And what about our Master Assassins?”

“No,” says Natasha succinctly when Tony turns to her.

It’s always a thing of beauty watching Tasha smack Tony down and Clint knows that she can do a lot more than a simple ‘no’ and a glare of death, even if those alone are making Tony shift uncomfortably in his seat, but Clint also suspects that the answer to Tony’s question, for Tasha, is that she either doesn’t know, or can’t remember, or can’t trust what she remembers.

“I tell the story about losing my virginity as a ghost story around campfires,” Clint says, moving from where he’s been sitting on the staircase to perch on the arm of Tasha’s chair and drawing everyone’s attention. “I have emotional problems.”

“Don’t we all,” says Tony.

He laughs, rolls his eyes, and gets up to pour more drinks, for himself and anyone else who’s glass is less than half full. Clint makes a mental note that the very mention of emotional problems makes Tony back off and doesn’t retaliate when Tasha pinches his arm hard enough to leave a bruise. He knows a thank you when he feels it.

Title: (untitled)
Rating/Warnings: PG13 (people get killed)
Length: 336 words
Summary: a short two-parter for the prompt Avengers/Castle, Rick/Kate, “You followed around a SHIELD agent? Who was she?” “Who said it was a she?” In which Kate doesn't really feature, Coulson is awesome, and Fury has a headache.

It was Coulson, because of everyone at SHIELD he's always been the best at getting rid of curious or journalistic types. Castle manages to last a full day watching Coulson do nothing but type reports, file reports, design reports, chase people down to fill in reports, and, for a change, eat lunch whilst working on reports. Castle decides that SHIELD is nowhere near as exciting as he'd thought it would be. Not much later he ends up shadowing someone in the police and, thankfully, they don't hear from him again.

(That evening, a few minutes after Castle has finally left, another curious type of person shows up at Coulson's office with a few friends and some guns. Coulson demonstrates another use for reports, slicing open a man's neck with the sharp edge of a plastic folder, and ramming paper down another's throat. Castle, he thinks, would have loved to have watched that.)

Agent Coulson had read Castle’s books for research when the author had been assigned to him and he finds himself keeping up with them. He also finds himself keeping up with the man himself. Richard Castle leads an interesting life and has a knack for getting involved with dangerous people. Coulson phones a few of them and visits a few more, just to make sure people know that Richard Castle may be a perfectly friendly guy, but there are other people in the world who really aren’t. It gets more difficult when Castle starts shadowing a police officer, but he does what he can.

Then there’s the day that Castle spots him.

“I absolutely knew you were more awesome than you let on,” the man says, his eyes wide and a huge grin on his face as Coulson secures his gun and phones for the three dead bodies and one live to be collected with interrogation to be conducted on the latter.

“You weren’t meant to get fond of him,” Fury says, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Yes, sir,” says Coulson. “Sorry sir.”

Title: Just A Date
Rating/Warnings: PG
Length: 617 words
Summary: for the prompt Torchwood, Tosh/author’s choice, “I’m good if you need your computer fixed, but not the kind of girl you’d want to date.”

Just A Date

“Do you have any plans for tonight?” Martha asks her, folding her arms and perching gracefully on the edge of Tosh’s desk without touching anything or knocking anything over.

“Um, no?” Tosh replies, unable to be dishonest, but really hoping that Martha isn’t about to ask her to switch with Owen to be on Rift Watch tonight and not just because she doesn’t need to know when Owen is off with other women. She’s tired and her neck aches. A soak in the bath with a good book sounds like heaven right now and an all-nighter on Rift Watch a lot like hell.

“Well,” says Martha, “I haven’t been to Cardiff in ages and I was wondering if you’d be able to show me someplace good a couple of girls could go to unwind, you know?”

“What?” Tosh saves the coding that she’s working on and takes her fingers off her keyboard as her brain derails, not wanting to make any mistakes. “You mean, like, a date?”

Martha beams at her.


Martha is beautiful and everyone likes her. She’s caught Owen’s eye not only because of her looks but also because she’s a brilliant doctor. Ianto admires her efficiency and her quips. Gwen looks buoyed by having another competent, confident woman around (and Tosh knows that she herself is a disappointment to Gwen in that respect). Jack treats her like an equal and says that she saved the world.

“Oh.” Tosh keeps her eyes down, away from Martha’s warm, bright smile, and clasps her hands together in her lap to prevent herself from fidgeting. “That’s probably not a good idea. I’m good if you need you computer fixed, but not the kind of girl you’d want to date.”

“I doubt that,” says Martha.

She has a way of talking that’s poised, but kind and slightly daring. It makes Tosh want to grin up at her and take whatever challenges are tossed her way, but she doesn’t.

“I’m not a good person,” Tosh tells her, memories of a UNIT cell, a telepathic necklace, and all the times that she’s hesitated, all the mistakes that she’s made, threatening to choke her. “The last people I dated died in the sun and in the First World War.”

“Yeah? Well the last guy I even wanted to date doesn’t remember me and before that there was this Doctor that you may have heard of and, trust me, that’s not a road that you ever want to go down.”

Warm fingers gently brush Tosh’s hair back from where it hides her lowered face and tuck it behind her ear. It’s been a long time since anyone touched her like that and even then it was never for long enough.

“Maybe not dating,” says Martha. “Maybe just a date, hey? Two girls, night out on the town. It’ll be fun.”

Tosh takes a deep breath and slowly releases it, without making any noise, and then does it again.



Martha sounds delighted and Tosh chances glancing up to see that her face looks as thrilled and excited as her voice sounds.

“Yes, okay,” she says.

She can’t tear her eyes away and they’re wide open, watching, when Martha reaches out again and glides her fingers across her cheek, tracing the same path that they took before even though now Tosh’s hair is out of the way and there’s no real reason for her to.

“Brilliant. First drink’s on me.”

She straightens, still with that amazing look on her face, and walks away, her hips swaying like she’s fully aware that Tosh is still watching.

Tosh is still watching, yes, and she plans to keep watching for as long as she can.

Title: Surrender Up My Heart And Swap It For Yours
Rating/Warnings: 15/R (sex, suggested blood and pain play)
Length: 120 words
Summary: for the prompt Angel/Firefly, Faith/Simon, an unlikely couple but they work.
Author Note: title from Ed Sheeran's Lego House.

Surrender Up My Heart And Swap It For Yours

Simon knows about being broken and pushing yourself to be the best. Faith knows about letting people down and trying to drive the demons out of your head.

He treats her like she’s both precious and strong, he’s smart enough to figure out how to do both, and he makes her bleed before dressing her wounds with gentle hands. She doesn’t bother to hold back, lets all of her crazy show, bites him hard when she comes.

“I don’t need to know,” he tells her in the dark as she tucks her head underneath his chin and lets herself be held.

“I know,” she tells him, his surgeons hands within hers, so easy to break, and she tells him everything anyway.

fanfiction: crossovers/fusions, fanfiction: avengers, fanfiction: torchwood, fanfiction: firefly/serenity, fanfiction: castle, fanfiction: buffy/angel, fanfiction: all

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