I'm still taking questions for the
get to know your author meme if there's anything you want to ask me. I plan to write up a post with the answers at the weekend. In the meantime I am mulling them over!
And since
the summer Prompathon at
be_compromised is still taking prompts until the end of Sunday (nudge nudge, hint hint) I thought I'd ask you all about
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For exchanges, I'm much better at listing explicitly the kind of things I like and want and whatnot.
As a reader:
I squee equally if some fills my prompt (omg, that was such a cool idea you came up with based on my teeny tiny suggestion!) or exchanges (omg you wrote this JUST FOR ME.) Although I don't really consider a fill to my prompt as writing FOR ME, but I still get the thrill that I was able to tickle someone's muse not matter what.
As a writer:
I like prompts because I don't have to do anything. If something interests me, I'll do it. If my muse gets piqued by an idea, I'll write. But if I don't get that prick of interest, there's no need to move forward and I can just sit back and be a reader of all the lovely ideas that come from other writers. (So, I can be lazy if I want.)
For exchanges, it's nail biting. Will my muse find something from the request to latch on to? Can I manage to shape it the way I want within the allotted time? OMG OMG THERE'S A DEADLINE. And then there's the pressure of will my recipient LIKE what I come up with? Which doesn't make me not want to write exchanges, it just makes it a little more fraught.
Yes, that, I don't see fills as gifts either but they give that thrill of 'yay, I inspired that' :) And I find writing prompt fills less stressful than exchanges too. But then I don't feel as driven to finish things, and I'm grafeful for some of the exchanges I've been in for the finished things I produced, so there's that *shrugs*.
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