WIP meme

Jan 25, 2015 18:52

I've seen this meme going around: When you see this, share 3 random lines from 3 WIPs.

And I laughed, because WIPs? Oh yeah, I have those. I have those coming out of my ears *grins*. So here's three snippets for your perusal.


He’s shorter than Cap, and she thinks he’d be shorter still but he has big black boots on, with metal toecaps and buckles. Kate really likes those boots. If you kicked someone with those boots on it’d really hurt and if anyone stood on you it wouldn’t hurt at all. And they look cool.


Natasha watches him blinking into awareness and taking stock of the room before asking, “How are you feeling?” She says it in a way that makes it sound like she doesn’t care about the answer. Not because she doesn’t care, although she probably doesn’t, but because she already knows the answer and is asking to be polite, as if someone has told her that that’s what she’s supposed to do in this kind of situation.


“Wait, wait, wait, no,” says Tony. “Steve. No. Think about this. Think about the bobblehead dolls! This is the bobblehead dolls all over again, Steve. Helping people is a bad thing. We’ve established this. Steve!”

“He did get shot,” Bruce offers up.

writing updates/chatter, memes

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