ten questions

Jan 31, 2013 19:42

gelbes_gilatier tagged me for a ten questions meme, which from what I can see is a case of answer ten random questions, then come up with ten more random questions and tag six of your f-list, so:

My ten questions and answers:

01. Social media and you - yay or nay? Why?
I use facebook to keep in touch with friends and family. Being able to do group messages that are private to that group is great for arranging meet ups and I like seeing people's photos, hearing what they've been up to, and so on. A few friends recently dragged me on twitter as well, where there are fun people. I love livejournal. And I've been using LinkedIn for job hunting. The thing is, though, that most of the time social media moves too fast for me. I can't keep up with the latest news and trends, and I can't create fast enough. I'm always behind. But I love the sense of community, of being part of things, and never mind keeping up, I'd not be on board with anything at all if I didn't find out about it online.

02. What brought you to LJ?
I came following links to fanfiction and fandom discussions, and figured that this was the place to be not just to read fanfiction but to interact with fandom people.

03. Food you most like to cook or bake?
Pasta dishes, because they're quick and tasty.

04. Your most favorite fic ever and why?
I can't asnwer this. No, really, I can't. I can never choose just one favourite of anything.

05. What was the fandom you were/are most addicted to?
Redwall was my first real addiction. I wrote fanfic that never made it online, I RPed, and I was in the second Questor's Bold. I got a greater sense of community, or a more inclusive one, with my second addiction, which was Harry Potter. Now I can't get The Avengers, by which I made the Marvel Cinematic Universe, out of my head and I practically live at be_compromised. Those have been the big three.

06. A class you really hated?
I don't think there's ever been a class that I hated. I've dreaded them, or disliked teachers, or gotten annoyed or frustrated learning different things, but I love to learn. Even in PE, which was dreaded regularly, I never skipped and sometimes managed to have fun. Perhaps my most dreaded class though was a first year university module in IT and other skills for our course that started out with things of Deadly Boredom like how to turn a computer on, that made me fall asleep, and then, in a move we did not see coming, suddenly changed to complicated maths and physics that none of us had ever heard of.

07. What was the last book you read? Liked it? Not? Why?
The last book that I finished reading was Dodger by Terry Pratchett. I always love Pratchett, but this YA book is based in a version of Dickensian London and I dislike Dickens as a writer, so I was dubious going in, but it's amusing, gives a good sense of the period, and has some good messages. As Pratchett's standalone YA novels go though I prefer Nation. (My other half said this was because the latter is about development and over-turning assumptions, which my geographer self can't resist. He prefers Dodger, because as Pratchett's city of Ankh-Morpork was based on London he was interested and amused to see London given the Ankh-Morpork treatment.)

08. The first friend you made on the internet?
A guy I RPed with for Redwall, Kevin. I always used to RP as a character older or younger than myself and I remember that when we first got chatting on the OOC boards he was surprised to find out I was actually closer to his own age. He was the first person online who told me I could write, and the first one I had all the 'so what is politics/life/weather like in your country' discussions with. I believe my first real LJ friend was sugar_fey, who I bonded with over Luna Lovegood and Zoe Washburne :D

09. Christmas person or not?
Yes. Absolutely. But not the whole 'commercial, everything must be perfect' Christmas, or even a religious Chritmas. The kind of everyone getting together Christmas.

10. Do you craft? Why, why not?
Sometimes. Because I like trying new things. I think that if you really want to do something then you find the time for it, but I rarely find the time for it and often forget the things that I've been taught. Getting crafty and arty is fun, and a good break.

Okay, ten questions from me (and yeah, I stole the book one, but books):
1. What's one thing that you're looking forward to this year, and why?
2. An interesting thing that you learnt/found out recently?
3. What're your comfort clothes?
4. What would be your dream holiday?
5. The trigger for you joining your first/your (current) main fandom?
6. What was the last book you read? Liked it? Not? Why?
7. Your trapped in a lift (elevator) survival kit would contain...?
8. The first site you go to when you get on the internet?
9. If I give you the prompt 'red', what three sentence fic do you come up with?
10. Zombies or vampires?

And anyone can feel free to join in/do this, but I'll tag lar_laughs, anuna_81, luvscharlie, settiai, ladymercury_10, and workerbee73 :)

memes, rambling

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