Once again I'm up later than I ought to be, but hey! That means it's October 31st here now. Happy Halloween! F-list, remind me to tell you about the year a pumpkin nearly set our front room on fire and it was absolutely not my fault, but for now I'm stealing a meme from
In honor of All Hallow's Eve, I'm inviting trick-or-treaters to my 'door.' Comment "trick-or-treat" to this post and...well, you know the drill. Treats can be anything that strikes my fancy (pics of fave actors or pairings, one sentence fics, graphics, a few words why I'm glad tohave you on my flist, etc. etc.). The more "houses" to visit the more fun it'll be, so go ahead, open your journal and help spread the fun!
*If you leave me a list of fandoms you're into (or two or three fandoms, at least), that would be very helpful! Thanks!