[SPN] faith is a series of complications (11/16; tenth act)

Mar 22, 2012 10:37

X: tenth act-your hand in mine.

As an angel-an archangel, even-there were few things that could slow him down, much less stop him. Any demon standing up against him would be destroyed in an instant, much less any human. Hit him with a blade and he would heal in a second; shoot him down and he would get back up in the next moment. Cut a limb or his head off? Well, he'd just grow it back-or get it reattached to his body, whichever freaked the attacker out more. Point of the fact was, despite bailing out of Heaven and spending a good deal of time on Earth as Loki he was still Gabriel the archangel, the renowned messenger of Heaven. If he desired to do so Gabriel could still bring down the wrath of Heaven on any assholes that deserved it-the power had always been at his fingertips, lingering around the pagan magic that marked him as the Norse god of mischief.

But now? Now he wasn't even Loki, wasn't even Gabriel-he was just a shadow of the Trickster he used to be, not even a fragment of the powerful archangel so feared by men and demons and beast alike. There was nothing about him now that could compare to the might he used to have, the strength he had up until Lucifer turned around and twisted Gabriel's hand around to plunge the archangel's blade through himself. He remembered how much it had hurt, the white-hot pain of the sword cutting right into his Grace and shattering it into a million tiny pieces. He recalled the look on Lucifer's face, the strange expression of sorrow-regret that was on the fallen Morningstar that stayed unchanging even as it vanished under the blinding flare of his burning, shattered Grace while Gabriel's own world had grown dark.

Dark like how the sky outside was now, the archangel thought wryly to himself as he snorted and looked down, away from the window and at the bottle of whiskey he was holding in his hand, ignoring the gleam of several other similar (and also empty) bottles at the table as he raised the one in his hand and put the mouth to his lips, drinking down the alcohol without a second thought and relishing the way the drink burned down his throat, sliding down into his belly and warming it up.


The archangel pointedly ignored the call of his name, taking another swig of whiskey before he paused to pop a sweet into his mouth and toss the wrapper on the table, where similar ones littered the surface, taking up whatever space the bottles were not filling up. Gabriel crunched the candy with his molars, the sound loud enough to drown out the frustrated voice calling out his name repeatedly, for the moment. He didn't need anybody to come and check on him, didn't need anybody to come in and be all concerned about him because they pitied him; he was Gabriel the archangel, one of Heaven's most powerful warriors. He was-

Castiel stepped forward and reached out with his hand to pry away the bottle that was in Gabriel's hand, and the archangel couldn't even find the strength to try and resist. His fingers instantly loosened, falling away as Castiel took the bottle and placed it on the table gently, wrappers crinkling as they shifted across the surface.

Without the bottle now, Gabriel had his head down, staring at the shadowed ground at his feet and determined to ignore how the world was blurring at its edges, a sign of his growing intoxication. How many bottles he had drunk, the archangel didn't know-but he knew for a fact that the number shouldn't have brought him down like this already, should not be able to reduce him to this state when he used to drink so much more. Yet another reminder of the things he used to have but had now lost, of times Gabriel knew he would never be able to recover no matter how much he missed it. Even if he got his powers back, nothing would be the same-the pagans now knew who he was, the Apocalypse had come and gone, Michael and Lucifer were locked in the Cage and Raphael would have changed too much from the Healer he once was. The world had changed after his passing; nothing would ever be the same, and Gabriel could never be who he was again.

In front of him he heard the sound of Castiel shifting, the angel's shoes thumping against the wooden floorboards as he stepped closer to Gabriel. Hands gripped his shoulders and Castiel shook him gently, speaking to Gabriel softly. “Brother, please.”

The archangel snorted in response, not even bothering to raise his head. “You don't need to pacify me, Cas.” He knew where he stood now.

“I do not see what you find so distressing,” the angel replied, his voice still soft. “The Trickster deemed you worthy enough to bring you back and help you when you asked for her services. She has told you how much she cares for you. Just what is the problem here?”

Gabriel couldn't even find the energy to be surprised at the fact that Castiel had overheard Loki's words to him, only keeping his gaze stubbornly on the ground. Why the hell did Loki have to bring him back? Just because she favored him, she pitied him? He didn't need that-he never wanted to be pitied by people. It made him look weak, and weak was the last thing that he should be. He was an archangel.

Had been an archangel.

Once he was one of the strongest things in this world, strong enough to carve out his own path and be able to live the life he wanted for himself. But now here he was, barely even a shadow of what he used to be. It was sickening to realize that, to know just how weak he was and how much he had to depend on other people now, when going solo was what he did best. Up until the Winchesters he had his own little corner of the world, his private witness protection; but now all of that was gone, everything burned to the ground, leaving him with nothing but a dry husk of what he once was.

Castiel shook him again, the action pulling him out from his thoughts and he heard the angel calling his name again, the tone of his voice much more insistent than before. Gabriel didn't respond and there was a pause, but then came the sound of rustling, and then he felt the points of Castiel's elbows rub against his knees as the angel moved to kneel, lowering himself so that he could look at Gabriel better and be closer to him. Instead of the floor the archangel was now staring at the rumpled pants that Jimmy Novak wore, looking exactly the same as the day when the man wore them and said 'yes' to Castiel.

“Gabriel,” the angel called again, his voice rumbling; his hands moved to press against the sides of Gabriel's face, palms warm against his cheek. Gabriel couldn't muster the strength to resist how Castiel was tugging his head back up, tilting his chin so that he was staring at the angel's bright blue eyes and seeing a spark of Grace flaring within, as Castiel got rid of the alcohol running around in his system-he could tell because his mind was clearing up now and he could see the blurry edges of his vision returning to its former sharpness.

Without even thinking Gabriel moved his own hands to grasp Castiel's wrists, pulling those hands away from his face as he hissed out. “Don't, Cas.” He didn't need more people taking pity on him now.

Castiel only shifted, moving smoothly to pry his own wrists away from Gabriel's grip and shifted so that he was holding the archangel's hands in his own, the angel's fingers lacing with his. Castiel held his hands tenderly, holding them in a way that was far too intimate for the brothers they were supposed to be. A brother that he wasn't, never in the way that Michael had been for Lucifer before the Fall drove them apart. Gabriel curled his fingers as much as he was able to, trying to ignore the warmth of Castiel's hand wrapped around his.

“I will never pity you, Gabriel,” the angel spoke, voice quiet and solemn as he shifted his gaze from their hands to Gabriel himself, blue eyes boring intently into his own hazel ones. “You are worth much more than the power you once possessed.”

Gabriel knew, of course, that the words were supposed to be comforting, but he couldn't help but feel the flare of rage that passed him at Castiel's words, growling at what the angel had said. His jaw clenched, and the archangel was snapping out his response before he could stop. “Once possessed, Castiel,” he returned, his voice dripping with bitterness. “Once. Now I have nothing at all.” Even his Grace was almost gone, burned up due to constant use in the last few days. It was just a matter of time before he would be nothing more than a useless, weak human. It was pathetic.

The angel's eyes flashed at the reply, gaze hardening before Castiel suddenly moved. Gabriel didn't even have a moment to react before he was abruptly lifted out of his chair, dragged up by the angel's strength. Castiel's hands were fisted in his clothes, fingers and nails digging into the fabric of the ratty shirt he was wearing as he glared at Gabriel, the expression on his face harsh and unforgiving.

“How long are you going to keep this up, Gabriel?” he half-shouted, half-snarled, voice rising with each word. “Such behaviour does not suit you, brother. Why are you persisting in continuing this charade?”

Gabriel couldn't help it-he laughed out a mockery of a laugh, a weak, broken chuckle that started and ended just as quickly, leaving him shaking in Castiel's grip as the archangel attempted to hold himself together, even as he felt himself start to fall apart. When he spoke his voice was bitter and twisted, every word dripping in self-loathing as he replied. “Charade, Cas? Charade?” he laughed again, tears stinging at the corners of his eyes as the hollowness of his amusement echoed in his ears. “The game's over, bro. There's no use in pretending anymore.” He was a coward and had always been a coward, even up to the point where he decided to help Sam and Dean and stand up against Lucifer. Gabriel knew there and then that he was going to die the moment he stood up against his dick of a brother, knew very well that there was no way for him to survive when he stepped into that room before Lucifer could kill Kali.

And so he had stepped in. And so he had died. And that was supposed to be the end of everything. He was just so tired of watching it all happen, tired of waiting for the day Michael and Lucifer would tear at each other's throats, tired of seeing his beloved brothers battle against each other. He couldn't bear to see it, couldn't bring himself to see the eventual end, and so he had run to his own death so that he would never have to see it. Even until the end, he had been nothing but a coward through and through.

Castiel's eyes narrowed and he tightened his grip on the archangel, refusing to let him go. “You are stronger than this, brother,” he went, the angel’s voice still so firm and certain even though Gabriel had lost all of his convictions long ago. “You are much more than this.”

The archangel only snarled and attempted to swat the hands away from him, growling back. “Stop trying to mollify me, Cas. I don’t need it.” Just like he had never needed anybody’s help, never asked to be helped; he had lived and he had died and he had never asked to be brought back into this world. It was supposed to end with him dying at Lucifer’s hand. Things would have been so much easier for everybody involved.

When had everything become so complicated?

In response to his attempted struggling Castiel only tightened his hold on the archangel even further, twisting him around so that now Gabriel was pinned to the nearest wall. The archangel grunted as his back collided with the wall, teeth gritting together as he glared at Castiel who was moving closer into his personal space, his blue eyes frigid and cold as ice.

“Stop persisting in this childish game,” Castiel snapped back, the calm in his voice already replaced by the angel’s growing anger. “You are worth something, Gabriel. Power is not the only thing you are capable of. Throwing a tantrum will not fix anything.”

Gabriel narrowed his eyes back in turn, a snarl already rippling from the back of his throat even before the words formed in his head and he replied angrily. “Don’t presume to know anything about me, Castiel. You don’t even know the first thing about who I am.” Back then the angel had been nothing but a kid-an overly curious, inquisitive kid. He knew nothing of what Gabriel had gone through, barely knew the war that ended with Michael casting Lucifer down into the pit, wouldn’t understand a single thing of what he had gone through in those times, and having to see his beloved brothers killing each other because it had been ‘destiny’.

Castiel glared back at the archangel, the look in his eyes unyielding. It was only after a moment that the angel responded, the anger from earlier now faded into something a bit more manageable, even as Gabriel heard it boiling under the surface. “I do not,” he admitted, not even blinking once as he said that. “But I understand more than any other angel what it is like losing your faith and being powerless, to be chained to the ground just as humans are.” The hard look in his eyes wavered, turning into something else that spoke of understanding and acceptance. “I know better than any other angel how it feels to have lost everything you once possessed, to have all your faith shattered and scattered to the winds.”

He knew that Castiel spoke the truth, understood where the lesser angel was coming from-but Gabriel couldn’t bring himself to care or be understanding; he didn’t want to think or ask or question. He just wanted to feel, to let out everything that had been building up inside him since only Father-knew-when. He wanted an outlet, and Castiel was providing it. “We’re not the same, Cas,” he hissed out, spitting the words through his teeth. “You’ll never understand me.”

“I am trying to,” the angel replied, leaning even closer towards Gabriel, their noses almost brushing against each other. Up this close Gabriel could see each shade of blue in Castiel’s eyes, and see light and shadow playing across his irises. “But you never seem to let anybody in. Why do you keep distancing yourself from everybody? Are you that afraid of letting go again?”

The words stung more than Gabriel could bring himself to admit, and the archangel flinched as if he had been slapped. Instantly he was craning his head forward, putting his face even closer to Castiel’s now out of spite as he growled in return. “I already said, don’t fucking assume anything about me.” What right did Castiel have to say these things about him? Just because Dad restored him twice and even gave him a shiny promotion for helping out the bloody Winchesters? Good Cas, dependable Cas, Castiel who fought and Fell for humanity and ended up being favored by the big guy; and in the meantime there was him, Gabriel the archangel who had fled from home because he was afraid to stand up to his family, and hid amongst the pagans and only ended up dead the moment he finally made himself step in to help them after so many years of hiding.

What did Castiel do to deserve everything? What did he do that merited him being resurrected by their Father’s hand not once, but twice? It wasn’t fair at all, that’s what it was, and the more Gabriel thought about it the more he loathed Castiel. He got all the glory and fame and powers for helping humanity, while Gabriel himself had nothing at all except this mockery of an existence.

It wasn’t fair.

“Your Grace keeps calling out for me whenever I am around,” Castiel spoke serenely, the rage from before now all gone. He didn’t move, didn’t come closer or withdraw, staying where he was with their lips so close to one another’s. “I hear it speak of pain and betrayal and loneliness, of being separated for so long. You have suffered much, Gabriel.” His eyes flickered across Gabriel’s face, attempting to read the other’s expression as Castiel finished his words. “Let me comfort you.”

The words were tumbling out from Gabriel’s mouth even before he registered them. “I’m not a replacement, Castiel.” Who was Cas even trying to kid here? It was obvious just who it was that the angel had eyes for. Gabriel knew he was far too broken, far too fractured to ever be put back together by any means. There was no hope for him.

Castiel’s eyes flashed with a foreign emotion before the angel averted his eyes, his jaw tensing. “There is nothing between Dean and I,” he replied.

“Bullshit,” Gabriel snapped back, eyes narrowing. “You love him.”

“So what if I do?” Castiel retorted with equal anger, eyes now darting back to glare at the archangel. “It will never happen between us. Dean will never accept me. Too much has happened for us to be together.”

“Stop giving me your crap.” It was ridiculous and stupid and frustrating, and Gabriel had no fucking desire to be some replacement to his brother, who couldn’t deal with his own matters properly and had been interfering with his anyway. “You’re just scared what will happen if Dean doesn’t accept you.”

“Just as you are scared of letting anybody get close to you,” Castiel shot back, and Gabriel flinched as the words hit home. Taking his chance, the angel pressed on, not easing even for a moment, so that the archangel had no choice but to listen to his words. “You didn’t want to be hurt again, so you shut yourself off from everybody. You never let anybody stand beside you, and you have never experienced comfort since you left Heaven.”

Gabriel clenched his jaw, refusing to acknowledge the authenticity of Castiel's words, despite the truth that they did hold. “Shut up, Cas.” He didn't need this-not here, not now.

Cas stayed silent for a long moment, eyeing Gabriel intently with his big blue eyes that gleamed strangely before his hands suddenly tightened around his clothes, holding him in place. Before Gabriel had a chance to do or say anything, Castiel lunged forward to close the last bit of distance between them, pressing their lips together.

Registering the moment that it happened was like a shock to Gabriel's system. The archangel's eyes widened, his breath caught in his throat as he restarted his struggles against Castiel. His current strength was nothing compared to the angel's, however, and ultimately proved useless as Castiel pressed down hard enough against his chest to elicit a gasp from Gabriel, and Castiel took the chance to slip his tongue into the archangel’s mouth, plundering it without preamble. Castiel kissed fiercely, putting himself into that kiss with a single-minded devotion to the action, that he applied to everything else, and Gabriel couldn't help but be swept up by the force of that emotion and the way that Castiel was kissing him. Never had he imagined that under that stoic mask of his the guy could kiss like this.

By the time that Castiel had pulled back Gabriel was left dazed and bleary-eyed, staring at the angel blankly, as he attempted to pull himself back together. A small smile touched upon Castiel's face, looking accomplished for being able to distract Gabriel like this. “Gabriel,” he started, his voice rasping quietly; one of his hands released its grip on the archangel's clothes to cup the back of his neck, holding him in place. “Please, brother. Let me.”

Gabriel found himself swallowing down a lump at the back of his throat, his gaze fixed on Castiel. “We shouldn't be doing this, Cas.” This was wrong-really wrong. Hadn't Castiel just said it? They were supposed to be brothers; and not only that, he wasn't even the person who the angel had eyes for. Not that he really cared for either fact-Dean was an idiot for not even noticing the affection that Castiel had harbored for him, and brothers had always been, at best, a relative term for them.

But still.

“Castiel,” the archangel managed again, attempting to keep himself in check even as Cas’ lips hovered above his, close enough that they could breathe in each other's air. The heat was getting to him; sweat rolled down from his temples, dripping down his chin and soaking through the shirt he wore. Gabriel swallowed down another lump in his throat before speaking out once more. “Cas.” A plea, a warning, a question-it was hard to say what it really was.

The angel only shook his head in response, not saying anything else as he closed the distance between them once more, this time brushing their lips together. Unlike last time, this gesture was much gentler and far more intimate, and Gabriel found himself helpless to the action. He parted his lips when Castiel shifted, tilting his head at just the right angle so that their mouths could meet each other properly, tongues tangling against one another. It was almost like fighting a battle, except that it wasn’t with words or actions, but mouths and hands and instinct. Cas was relentless in his movements, every action almost calculated and planned to fine detail; Gabriel could only groan quietly, the sound rippling from the back of his throat as the archangel matched each move with his own, suddenly engaged in a duel of another sort.

A duel that they had both lost, it seemed, as both of them parted from each other, their lips swollen and spit-slicked. Gabriel belatedly realized that his hands had moved sometime during the kiss, since now they were grasping Castiel’s upper arms. The angel seemed to have noticed the change as well, eyes flickering to look at where the hands were gripping momentarily before looking back to him, and Gabriel could see the angel’s pupils already darkening, his cheeks flushed red. Despite everything, the archangel couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “Not quite how you thought it’d be, huh?”

Castiel’s eyes instantly narrowed. “It is not the first time I have kissed somebody.”

“I know.” Well, he had seen it being filmed at least, back in the other world-but that had been fake, choreographed. It had really happened here, in this world, with Castiel, and somehow that thought sent a small rush of anger into his mind. To think that kissing a demon was the first thing in sexuality that Castiel would attempt; Gabriel didn’t know if he wanted to see the irony in that whole thing. He hoped that he wouldn’t have to see it.

The archangel shook his head, dislodging the thoughts from his head and looked back at Cas, wondering once more if this was indeed the right thing to do. He was all for decadence and sex, of course, but… well, Cas really was a whole different ball game. Angel coupling was something that hardly ever happened, if at all. There had always been missions and works and things to do under their dad’s name; there had hardly ever been much time for personal things, let alone relationships. And then there had been the Nephilims, which only made angel couplings all the more impossible. Then again, that had all been a long, long, time ago, and Heaven was no longer the way it used to be.

Loosening the hold he had on Gabriel’s shirt, Castiel stepped back to give him that trademark head tilt of his, frowning. “You are worried,” he stated, more of a fact than a question.

Gabriel rolled his eyes, idly straightening up said shirt as he replied. “You’re inviting me to have sex with you, Cas. I think that requires a fair amount of worrying.” His life was seriously getting too complicated for his tastes.

Castiel glanced away. “If you do not want it, I will respect your wishes.”

“Kind of late for that now, bro.” Really kind of late, especially considering that rather mind-blowing kiss earlier. Or well, mind-blowing enough since he hadn’t gotten any since… since a long time, pretty much. The Apocalypse had made things kind of complicated for him after it started, and then there was the whole ‘getting killed and sent to another world’ thing to boot. Naturally, that had made it none-too-easy for Gabriel to actually attend to his human needs. Normally this was something Gabriel would have easily solved by snapping a few ladies into existence, or even a harem to toy around with, but it wasn’t as if he could do any of that at the moment. Besides, Gabriel knew very well what he really wanted, even if he was loathe admitting it.

The angel looked back at him, eyes widening slightly. “Then…?” Father, why did he have to sound so damned hopeful? Nothing about this was good at all.

Gabriel managed a small grin. “Somebody’s gotta teach you the wonders of the human body, right? Let your big brother Gabe show you how much fun sex can be.” Not about comfort, not about the intimacy that this act would bring with it. This was about just enjoying the moment, and scoring one before Dean-o could ever get it and pull his ass out of his head.

That’s what Gabriel liked to tell himself, anyway. It sounded better in his mind.

Castiel took a moment before he nodded, and then leaned back in to kiss him once more. This time though, Gabriel quickly took charge of the kiss, leading Cas’ tongue with his own as he mapped the contours of the angel’s mouth, one hand moving to clutch at Castiel’s hair as the other fumbled around to tug out the ends of his shirt from the suit pants that Cas was wearing. He slipped his hand under the fabric to brush across flushed skin once he could do so, smiling against the angel’s lips when Castiel gasped and shivered with the simple touch.

“The pizza man’s a bad example, Cas,” Gabriel murmured into the other’s mouth, hitching the shirt up so that he could move his palm up across the planes of Castiel’s stomach and reach his chest. Castiel broke the kiss at that and reached with one of his hand to stop Gabriel, fingers grasped around the archangel’s wrist as he tugged the hand downwards, and the archangel didn’t need to guess what his intentions were. He pulled his hand away from Cas’ grip, snorting quietly at the frustrated sound that came from the angel, before silencing him by mouthing across his jaw, leaving a trail of saliva with his tongue. “Not so fast, bro. The fun’s just only started.”

Castiel gasped, hands suddenly clawing at the back of Gabriel’s shirt. “Gabriel,” he managed out, voice already breathless and lost, as if he was in something that was way over his head. Which was pretty much the truth, but Gabriel wasn’t going to dwell on that.

Humming back in response, the archangel slowly shifted his path to suck and nibble on the column of Castiel’s neck, one arm now slithering around his waist to keep the angel in place, as the other picked at the buttons of his shirt, undoing each one with efficient precision. He moved down to Castiel’s chest once the shirt was undone, lightly shoving it off the angel’s shoulder (singular, since it was hard to do so for the other side just yet) along with his jacket and coat. He spent a while indulging himself with the exposed nipple, toying with it with teeth and tongue and lips while Castiel gasped and writhed, hands clutching tighter.

Letting go for the moment, Gabriel licked his lips and straightened himself back up, smirking at the dazed look that Castiel had on his face now. “You really liked that, huh?” he remarked, fingers running up Castiel’s unclothed side.

The angel closed his eyes and shivered at the touch, breath escaping from him in a shuddering gasp. “Don’t stop,” he murmured, voice nearly a whisper. “Don’t stop.”

“Not until the end, bro,” the archangel returned easily, tightening his hold on Cas’ waist and moving in to kiss again, distracting the angel long enough to back him towards the bed, grunting when the back of Castiel’s legs hit the end and helped him to lie down properly. Once Castiel was settled Gabriel moved to crawl on top of him, eyes taking in the sight of how messed up the angel was now, already flushed and panting and hard, as seen from the outline pressing insistently on the front of his pants. Gabriel ran his hand up the uncovered part of Castiel’s torso, fingers playing with the nipple once more, as he used his other hand to properly shove off the rest of Cas’ clothes, tossing them to the floor without a second thought.

Now that Castiel was topless, Gabriel could concentrate on the lower half of the angel, fingers swiftly moving down to play at the hem of his pants. The archangel watched as Cas made another one of his helpless, frustrated sounds and bucked beneath him, already so desperate and craving for the touch that Gabriel was taunting him with. Letting out a mirthless chuckle, Gabriel made sure to settle himself better, so that Castiel couldn’t buck him right off the bed, hands pressing against the angel’s hips to keep him in place on his spot in bed. “No moving yet until I say you can,” he laughed out quietly, pointedly ignoring the death glare that he was getting in return.

“Gabriel,” Castiel hissed back prissily, clearly unappreciative of the amount of teasing that Gabriel was dealing to him. “I would appreciate it if you could fuck me now.”

It was kind of amusing to hear the angel swearing like that, Gabriel mused to himself, and the amusement bled into his features as he smiled and moved his hands to the fly of Castiel’s pants, out of the goodness of his heart. “You really need to be more patient, Cas,” the archangel muttered, undoing the fly before the angel could say anything else, and Gabriel quietly relished the groan that escaped from Castiel as dark pants gave way to equally dark boxers, the front straining from the raging hard-on that Castiel already had. Another amused sound escaped Gabriel’s lips as he shoved the pants down, making sure that they were properly gone (along with all of his footwear) and leaving Cas in nothing but his tented boxers. Settling on top of Castiel once again, the archangel reached to rub the pad of his thumb across the wet spot on said boxers, watching the dampness as it spread further while Cas groaned and bucked his hips mindlessly, hips already moving to seek out more friction.

“You’re really sensitive,” the archangel remarked before he bent down and mouthed at the spot for a moment, to hear Castiel cry out and jerk his hips roughly to his face; Gabriel laughed and pulled back, withdrawing so that the angel could have a chance to catch his breath-it would be a waste if this was over so quickly. Cas groaned when Gabriel got off him, and the archangel had to pacify him with a brief kiss. “No worries, bro. Just taking my clothes off so we can get this started properly.”

Castiel blinked once and nodded, and Gabriel smiled in return before getting off the bed entirely. As the angel composed himself Gabriel proceeded to strip off quickly, losing all of his clothes with efficiency as they joined with the ones scattered across the floor. The humans probably wouldn’t be too happy about this if they were here, but this wasn’t about them anyway; this was about Castiel tonight and nothing else.

Returning back to the bed Gabriel pulled Cas up this time, making the angel sit up as the archangel sat across and faced him, keeping his hands to himself at the moment. Castiel stared back at him, his face wholly flushed and his eyes already blown wide with need, fixed on the sight of Gabriel’s own interested cock.

Gabriel, of course, only smirked. “Like what you see?”

The angel snapped his gaze back to Gabriel’s face, the flush darkening as-to his surprise-Castiel actually nodded, his own cock twitching through the tent of his boxers. Gabriel supposed it was time he stopped the teasing and got onto the main event. Reaching out with his hands, Gabriel slipped his arms over Castiel’s shoulders, his palms resting on the small of the angel’s back. He leaned closer, moving in as if he was about to kiss Castiel again, but shifted his head at the last moment to press kisses along the other’s jaw, slowly trailing down his neck. His hands moved, pressing against the base of Castiel’s shoulder blades as his fingers kneaded along the muscle.

The result was instantaneous. In a moment Castiel was keening loudly, pressing his face into the junction between Gabriel’s neck and shoulder as the archangel felt the air itself shift. Smiling, Gabriel rubbed against the spot harder, sucking at the side of Cas’ neck as the angel groaned in pleasure and literally jerked himself with enough force that the bed itself shifted, dragged across the floor by Castiel’s violent reaction.

“G-Gabriel,” the angel choked out, his voice now thick and heavy with pleasure. “That was…”

“Where your wings are, yeah,” Gabriel finished for him, moving his head up to brush lips with the other. “Did that feel good?”

“I-” Castiel started, breaking off to shudder as Gabriel repeated the action again, a low whine escaping from the back of his throat. “Y-Yes. Don’t stop,” he breathed out and the air shifted again, and Gabriel knew that it was a sign showing he was close to pulling those wings into the visible plane. “Don’t stop.”

Gabriel hummed low in his throat once more, an affirmation as he shifted to straddle Castiel’s lap, hands moving so that he could reach at the spot better and massage it harder. The angel cried out this time, nearly melting against the archangel as the air surrounding them displaced with a whoosh and Castiel’s wings emerged, bursting out from invisibility and shifting into reality upon the physical plane. If there was one things that the humans got right, it was that an angel’s wings were white and fluffy-just not all of them. The ones that Castiel possessed just happened to be one of those pairs, while Gabriel’s own were much more different; as an archangel he had eight wings on this plane, massive ones whose size this room couldn’t hope to contain. Of course, Gabriel couldn’t bring them out since he was still bound to his body, but it didn’t matter. Again; this was about Castiel.

Now that his wings were out Gabriel could properly place his attentions onto them. He buried his hands into the wings, fingers slipping through impossibly-soft feathers as the archangel groomed down the errant feathers that refused to lie properly, nails scratching lightly across the sensitive surface of Castiel’s wings and inwards. The angel moaned and whimpered, so overwhelmed by the pleasure he was feeling (and Gabriel knew this because he had done this before enough times to know) that all he could do was to shudder and shake, too caught up by the sensation to do or think about anything else.

Moving his hands across the giant wings, Gabriel continued to hum as he worked out the kinks of Castiel’s wings, fingers lingering upon whatever sensitive spots he found and rubbed them hard enough so that the angel was reduced to a whimpering mess. The boxers were straining greatly against the massive erection that Cas had by now, the dampness of the material flashing under the lights. Gabriel reached down with one hand to finally ease the boxers off him, throwing it down to the ground. He then moved his hand to the space between Castiel’s legs, spry fingers curled around the base of Castiel’s dick and he stroked it, a single slick pull upwards that made the angel cry out and thrust his hips upwards, following the action of Gabriel’s hand.

“Gabriel,” he breathed out the name, sounding so wrecked and caught in pleasure that the archangel was caught off-guard for a moment and paused. Castiel made another whine and tried to move his hips, desperate for friction and heat. “Please, Gabriel. Please.”

Gabriel made no verbal response, answering with actions instead of words as he shifted to settle on Castiel better, his hand slipping around to grab both of their cocks together, pressing them against each other. The archangel shuddered, the sudden heat of pleasure almost too much to bear, and he struggled to keep his coordination as he started to stroke them both smoothly, his hand already slicked in precome.

Castiel keened once again, hips stuttering as he thrust against the heat and friction of Gabriel’s hand and cock, hands clutching uselessly on the bed sheets. Gabriel had one hand on Cas’ shoulder now, to steady himself, as his other hand worked them towards completion, quickening his pace as the low curl of pleasure inside him curled up more and more, winding up even tighter than a clockwork spring. There was only heat and sweat and pleasure registering in his mind, and Gabriel let out a choked cry from the back of his throat as they sped closer towards the edge. Castiel’s wings were trembling now, his entire form so caught in pleasure, like Gabriel himself was, and the angel’s breaths sped up, chest heaving even though Castiel didn’t need to breathe, and he was fucking himself against Gabriel’s hand and cock and that was too good, that was far too good to be normal even by his standards-

“Cas,” the archangel found himself moaning out as he neared the edge, so close and so near and all he needed was just a little bit more of something. “Castiel, I-”

Gabriel didn’t find a chance to say anything though as Castiel suddenly lunged forward and kissed him, so utterly uncoordinated and filthy and dirty, that it was all that the archangel needed and he cried out, loud and broken as he followed the angel over the edge, coming the moment he felt wet heat splattering across him. Castiel’s entire form flared for a moment, his true form momentarily slipping out from the body of Jimmy Novak as pleasure wrecked his senses like nothing, he was sure, that the angel had ever felt. Grace surrounded both of them, enveloping Gabriel with its gentle power as the exposure filled him up, reaching out with the Grace still inside him and pouring forth in one of the most intimate ways ever.

By the time Gabriel came to his senses, he was strung out on top of Castiel, flopped over the angel who had fallen back over the bed, wings now gone and his chest still heaving as Castiel attempted to put his mind back together. The archangel forced himself to move, rolling off him to lie on the spot next to him instead and after a moment, laughed quietly. “I’m pretty sure the guys know what we’re up to now.” All things considered, it was hard to not notice the little light show that Cas had put out at the end.

“Perhaps,” Castiel replied, voice quiet. He turned his head to face Gabriel, studying the archangel for a moment before adding. “More of your Grace has been restored when we climaxed, I believe.”

Gabriel couldn’t help but snort at those words, finding quiet amusement in the fact that only Cas would be talking about this right after they had sex. “Not now, bro. We’ll talk about this tomorrow.” He didn’t want to ruin the moment, not right now-now he just wanted to sleep, tired out from all the action earlier.

Castiel nodded in return, one hand already moving. “Sleep well, brother.”

There was a snarky comment on Gabriel’s tongue about Cas using his mojo on him there and then, but Castiel’s fingers brushed across his forehead before he could say anything and his eyes instantly closed, mind already slipping off into the realm of unconsciousness.

← ninth act | eleventh act →

!supernatural, ~fic, *knightblazer

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