[TST] where there's friendship, but no friends

Dec 17, 2011 18:44

Random drabble thing for Ann/haruhiism, although the original idea got totally lost in the process of writing this. I-I HOPE THIS IS OKAY ANYWAY.

Title: where there's friendship, but no friends
Fandom: theskytides
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Pip Bernadette, Yuuko 'Isako' Amasawa
Warning: Um. IDK. Mentions of death and trauma?
Notes: Super duper EXTREME AU where Pip is some detective/cop and Isako's a kid who just survived some suspected tampered car accident. I may write more of this in the future, perhaps... but for now, I hope you like this, Ann. ♥ Title comes from 31_days, with the prompt for 25th June 2011.

where there's friendship, but no friends
1413 words oneshot.

Pip’s not really one to take kids under his wing or into his house, to be honest-he’s got his own life and his own worries and his job (not a very safe job either) to be concerned about, and as it is he’s got one too many things going around now to be thinking about something like adoption. But despite the rugged looks and lost eye he can’t help but have a soft heart when the time comes for it, even though raising a kid has never been in his bucket list-nor has the notion of it really crossed his mind.

So on that fateful day when Pip suddenly finds himself with a new mouth to feed in his house, Pip has to wonder just what exactly he’s getting himself into.

On the papers, her official name is Yuuko Amasawa (or should it be Amasawa Yuuko? Pip can’t figure it out for the life of him)-but the handler who had passed him the papers containing her data tell him that she only responds to Isako, and Pip doesn’t really want to think about the logic of that name when he hardly understands a lick of Japanese. Why he’s even in charge of the kid he doesn’t want to know, but apparently the higher ups think that he’s the best choice for handling traumatized, newly-orphaned kids.

Pip knows he shouldn’t have agreed to look over Walter back then if he knows that this was going to happen.

He takes her back to his place once the handler has dumped the kid onto him, letting her wander around his shabby little living room as he heads to the kitchen and starts rummaging through the cupboards in a bid to salvage something up for her to eat (he can always get takeaway later for himself).

Only a mere five minutes pass before something crashes out in the living room, and Pip bites back a sigh as he cautiously ventures out to see that he needs to replace his table lamp and get out the first aid kit to treat the cut trickling down Yuuko-Isako’s-hand. The man says nothing as he brings out the antiseptic and bandages and starts to treat the wound on her palm, tightening his grip around her wrist when Isako hisses at the first dab of antiseptic on her injury and attempts to pull her hand away.

“Just hold still, alright?” he mutters, keeping his eye focused on the cut as he swipes the medication over it. “It’ll be done in a jiffy.”

Pip doesn’t even need to look up to know that the girl’s regarding him in a mix of suspicion and perhaps anger, but he opts not to say anything at all. As it is, he cleans and bandages the wound and makes Isako sit on the sofa, keeping an eye on her as he goes to clean up the remains of his table lamp. He’s going to have to do a run to the nearby second-hand store later in the weekend to get a replacement for this.

Isako doesn’t say anything-not that he expects her to-and only watches him warily as he dumps the fragments of his lamp into the bin, but for a moment he thinks he might have seen something else in those sharp, alert eyes of hers.

After about three days Pip gets around to enrol her in a school, since she’s still young and does need to return to her studies, orphan or not. After getting a few recommendations from his colleagues and asking a few favours from his superiors, he manages to register her in a school not too far from where he works. At least this way it’ll be convenient for him, and he doesn’t need to worry about her-unlike his neighbourhood, this part of the city’s much more cleaner and safe.

That doesn’t stop the troubles from happening, however, and right on the same day on Isako’s first day in class Pip already gets a call from the principal’s office.

Garret sends a sympatric look towards him as Pip sighs and hangs up the phone. “The kid giving you trouble?”

All Pip can do is to sigh again and stand up from his seat. “Tell the chief I’ll be back later,” he says, already grabbing his jacket and moving off.

Pip spends about an hour explaining to the principal about the difficulties that Isako’s facing and he has a feeling its only because he’s wearing his badge does the principal give way to the girl. Still, he warns Pip about the consequences that Isako will face the next time she gets into a fight like that and Pip says that he understands.

Disaster averted, he takes Isako back home and treats the injuries that scar her knuckles. He talks as he does so, even if the girl won’t answer him-he knows that she is listening, at least, and saying it out will make him feel just slightly better.

“Look, kid-Isako,” he starts with a sigh as he rubs some cream over her bruises and makes a mental note to himself to get more from the pharmacy later. “I know you’re hurting, and that you’re angry over your family’s deaths-but that ain’t a reason to go punching people just coz’ they piss you off.” He pauses then to get another bit of cream on his fingers, moving his thumb up to the joint of her wrist and spreading the cream there as well-it’s not necessary, but it’ll help, at least. “You must have quite a punch on you if you can fight back four boys like that. It’s good to see that you’re strong-but don’t go using that strength to prove yourself like that. It ain’t going to get you anywhere.”

Isako remains silent and stubbornly fixes her gaze to the ground, but it’s not anything that can really surprise Pip. The man tries not to sigh again as he shifts to work on her other hand, rubbing at the bruises and applying the cream. “I know it hurts a lot to lose your family, but lashing out that anger like this isn’t going to help anybody. You’ll just be hurting yourself and everybody else.”

He finishes up the other hand and places it gently onto the sofa cushions, debating for a moment before he places a gentle hand on her knee and continues to speak softly. “I’ll admit that I’m not a good adult to look after you, but until your family’s case is closed you’re stuck with me, and I promise not to hurt you. So just… you know, make the most out of it, alright?”

Pip would have been content with waiting for an answer, but right there and then he feels his mobile phone buzzing at the back of his pants, and the man knows that it’s his cue to return to the station. Pip breathes out a sigh and stands up, running a hand through his hair. He gives Isako one last look as he pats her knee, smiling gently as he speaks. “Just think about it, okay? Feel free to call in for dinner if I’m not back by seven.” With all of that said Pip makes his way to the door and opens it, giving the girl one last glance before he shakes his head and exits out of his apartment, already not looking forward to the load of work that’s going to be piled in his absence.

It’s already eleven when he arrives back home, hungry and without any food in hand as all the stores have either closed or run dry on him. Sleeping with an empty stomach isn’t something Pip had done the first time though, and he’s perfectly alright with doing it as he sighs, tossing his keys to the dining table and they land with a lack of the usual clatter.

Pip instantly pauses and turns around, proceeding to find himself blink in surprise at the pizza box that sits on his dining table. The man cautiously reaches out for it and picks it up, instantly noticing the post-it note that’s slapped on the top of the box. The handwriting on the note is foreign, but Pip can quickly guess the originator of the note.

Hawaiian and pepperoni. Your microwave sucks, by the way. - I

It’s not much, Pip supposes, but at least it’s a first step to something.

crossovers, !dennou coil, ~fic, !theskytides, *knightblazer, !hellsing

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