[TST] your words are my salvation (Date + Hijikata)

Jan 29, 2011 23:33

Going to try and keep up this actual summary thing. OTL

Title : your words are my salvation
Fandom : theskytides (AU verse #5723592)
Rating : PG
Characters/Pairing : Date Masamune, Hijikata Toshirou
Warning : Date offers Hijikata a choice, but will he accept it?
Notes : If I could draw, I would have done this as a doujin thing. sob.

your words are my salvation.
1372 words oneshot.

Solitude had always been something that Hijikata Toshirou was well aware of. It had been the world he lived in for all these years, the only world he had ever known. It was only ever himself, and not for anyone or for anything else-it was for himself that he fought, and for himself he killed and murdered; for the sake of his own existence, he did everything he could to ensure that he would live and survive no matter what. Always, ever since that day… it was only just him and him alone. Things were just so much easier and simpler that way, when he didn’t need to concern himself with everything else in the world.

But still even though he had thought that, and he had lived that-it was all so surreal now, living in this moment. To stare at the hand that was extended to him, and then looking up in surprise to the ever-confident look that the other was giving him as he waited a response to the offer he gave just moments ago.

“Well?” he started, still looking at him. “You know I ain’t coming back once I leave this shithole, so if you want to come with me now’s your only chance.”

Knowing who he was, Hijikata knew that many would have instantly leapt if this rare chance was offered to them. Even then though, he still couldn’t believe, couldn’t have dared to think and hope even if the thought had crossed his mind more than once-a way to leave this hellhole and find a new life for himself, a life he had wished for but could never try to make it happen. And now that this chance was given to him… he just couldn’t believe it. He was the Demon of Solare, a person who knew nothing but death and bloodshed-so why was the other even asking him something like this…?

“So?” came the prompt once more, and the extended hand twitched just a little. “Are you coming with me, or are you going to let yourself stay here and stain these streets even more?”

Hijikata finally let himself look up, to glance properly at the expression that the other was giving him. Always and ever, all he ever showed was the absolute and extreme confidence that he had-something that he had always respected, in his way, for it was something he could never really do. Again, he could only wonder just why was he given this offer in the first place; just what did the other see in him to prompt this out?

“I-” the teenager tried to start, faltering momentarily as the words caught in his throat. “Why are you even asking me…?” He could never be anything like him or the other that was with him; he wasn’t a warrior, just a fighter who carved the streets in blood and only knew of war and violence. A life like the one that was being offered to him… he couldn’t just so easily and readily accept it like this. It just… it just didn’t seem right.

An annoyed sort of sound came at this, but Hijikata did get his answer all the same. “We’ve been together for the last year, and I can see you’re strong-and I’ll always be glad to have more strong people around in my place. Besides,” a pause came then, and the teenager could see the confident grin forming out now, “You’re interesting, and interesting always good to spice up things around. You see?”

Leave it to somebody like Date Masamune to give him an answer like that. Hijikata sighed, glancing down now as he mulled over all of this once more. For so long it was always just him alone, but now there was Date in his life… and in this last year while the Vohemaro was here, it was always a comfort, to have somebody he could get along with, somebody who didn’t fear him and shun him because of the name he carried in this town. For once he wasn’t alone, and he had somebody to be with… and it made him feel glad, to know that there was somebody like that in Reial. And for the first time in all these years… he wasn’t alone, and he had something of a friend even; if he missed this chance, who knew what would happen down the road. But he did know one thing, at least: once Date left, he would be alone again. Once more, he’d be in his world of solitude.

After spending all this time out of it, that was the last thing Hijikata wanted now. He didn’t want to be alone anymore; he didn’t want to continue living in this place and having to live with nobody but himself. He wanted a life of his own, a life that he could be contented with, a life that wasn’t all about killing and slaughtering and having to live each day wondering if he could survive to the next.

Getting out of here, he could be somebody else, a new person with a new lease of life-and with a new purpose. The more he thought about it, the more that idea seemed appealing to him. To leave the country that hurt him so much, and making a new life in another… that would be nice indeed.

“Last time, Hijikata,” Date’s voice started, “Are you going to come with me to Sendai and serve under the clan, or are you going to stay here until who knows when?”

The teenager raised his head up, and the clarity of his answer was clear enough in his eyes that Date could only smile, even before Hijikata reached up and took the offered hand, smiling back himself. “I’ll come with you.”

Those words only made the other grin properly now, seemingly very pleased to hear that positive response. He pulled the teenager up to his feet with his hand while he replied. “Great to hear that. You’ll be a fine addition to my men, Hijikata.”

“…I’ll do my best,” came the answer, accompanied with a small incline of his head.

Date let out a small bark of laughter at that. “Just be yourself; you can worry about the rest later.” Having said that, he turned around and crossed his arms, looking towards the setting sun as he declared aloud. “Since you’re coming with me, from now on you’ll be part of Oshu, and that means no man is ever alone. Got that, Hijikata?”

No man is ever alone. Those words rang in his head as Hijikata stared on silently for the next few moments, letting the moment sink in. Just like this… now, he had his new purpose, and he had his new reason. From now, he wasn’t the outcast who was banished from his family-he was one of Oshu, and one of Date. And that sounded just fine for him.

“Hijikata?” came the voice of the elder samurai, as he turned around just enough to cast an inquiring glance at him.

The teenager blinked out from his thoughts, looking back at Date for the another few more seconds before he bowed his head slightly (since now after all, the other was going to be his commander and leader and lord). “Yessir.”

“Ha!” came another bark of laughter, and when Hijikata looked back up he could see the amused grin that was on Date’s face. “Looks like you’ll do just fine.” Saying that, he turned back around once more, adjusted his belt for a moment and then started to move. “We’ll go and meet up with Koujurou and then leave this place. It’s high time I returned to Oshu.”

“…understood,” Hijikata replied, and took a moment more before he trailed after his new lord, sandals knocking against stone as he hurried behind. He didn’t even bother to look behind him and think about the life he was leaving behind in this place-now all he could do was to look forward to the future he had chosen, and the new life he was going to have under Date and the Oshu clan.

Even in the setting sun, it looked exceptionally bright.

crossovers, !sengoku basara, ~fic, !theskytides, *knightblazer, !gintama

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