Jul 07, 2010 16:05

theskytides based, non-canon for obvious reasons unless someone apps Date there and wants to do backstory with me ;;. THIS IS ONE GOOD REASON WHY KB SHOULD NEVER BE ADDICTED TO SOMETHING NEW AND SHINY FOR HER. SHE GETS RETARDED IDEAS LIKE THIS. So uh yes, behold the lameness of my stupid fangirl obsession. I THINK I'M GETTING THIS CRACK OUT OF MY SYSTEM SOON, HOPEFULLY. OTL|||

It wasn’t news that Date Masamume always fancied a challenge when one presented itself before him. While one might think that living in a place like Solare was a one-way ticket to hell itself, the fabled one-eyed dragon found himself agreeing otherwise. In a city like this where order was non-existent and the show was run by thugs and gangsters, this was the perfect place for him to try and sharpen his own skills, test himself against those that were called the fiercest and most dangerous in this battle-torn place. He fought with countless individuals as well as groups and established his name as the one-eyed dragon in these parts, but still not one person could quench his thirst for a worthy opponent. Months passed before he knew it, and so many gangs had already been trampled under his might of his claws. Everyone feared him, and just one sight of him was enough to get people scurrying away.

Most people might find that good, but Date just personally found it as boring as hell. If nobody stood up against him, then how was he supposed to get a good fight in here? He really should punch out the guy who had told him that there would be worthwhile fights in Solare-he had been in here for months already, and still he didn’t get even one that would excite him like never before. Really, he should just leave soon and head back to Trewe or something and let all these weaklings continue their useless tussling. In fact, he had planning to do that within the week when Koujiro brought to him a piece of rather interesting news.

“The Demon of Solare?” he repeated what the other had said, perking up from what he had been doing (servicing one of his six ‘claws’).

Koujiro nodded in confirmation. “Yes, the Demon of Solare. I do not possess much details, but from what I’ve heard this mysterious figure has been recently making a ruckus around the west, taking down some of the local gangs there already.”

Date snorted upon that, directing his attention back to continue fixing up his blade while replied. “All of them were weaklings anyway. That’s hardly ‘something interesting’ at all.”

“It was the leading gang of the west that he took out, Masamune-sama.”

Now that did get his interest. Date perked up again, one eyebrow raised. “Oh? That is certainly something then. Just one guy against all of those idiots?” Even when he had went to take them down back then, he had a few difficulties of his own. Nothing that he couldn’t overcome though, of course.

“Yes,” his retainer replied with a nod. “Just one person, if my sources are to be believed.”

“Hah, we’re talking about something then,” the titular one-eyed dragon replied as a familiar grin crossed his face. “If there’s someone in this place who can party like that, then I wouldn’t mind getting into a sortie with this so-called demon. It would be fun.”

Koujiro made no expression, but the smile could be heard in his voice as he went on helpfully. “My sources say that the demon’s still in the west, possibly resting after having done all of that. If we hurry, we might be able to catch it.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Date half-exclaimed as he pushed himself up and picked up all six of his swords, making sure that they were secured well on his sides. He turned towards the elder man with the grin still on his face and continued. “Let’s go hunt down this demon and get this party started!”

The west of Solare was pretty much the same as the east where he had made his base of operations during his stay here, though now it was currently with a notable lack of thugs around since the leading gang was down for the count once again. It would be a while before some other weak gang came into power once more and the cycle would continue as such. Not that Date cared for such things, anyway-all he wanted was a good fight. And if Koujiro’s words were to be true, he would possibly get one today.

The place where the Demon was rumoured to be now at was a rather desolated place that seemed to be long since abandoned. The place was old and rickety and reeked of nothing but empty winds and the scent of dried blood from people already six feet under, and it was close to a miracle that anyone even seemed to be here at all. Though Date had to admit, staying in a place like this was a good move-somewhere where nobody would try and intrude, a place that just belonged to one… perfectly fitting, for one who would be named ‘Demon’ by even the worst of people in this place.

Ordering Koujiro to remain at the entrance, Date entered the place on his own, keeping his senses alert in case anything should happened-in a place like Solare, even with all these weaklings about, there was no telling what might happen in this place that lacked any laws. As he went in deeper however, nothing happened at all aside from the sound of the half-rotten floorboards creaking under the weight of his footsteps.

“Oy, Demon of Solare!” Date shouted as he looked around, trying to spot if there was actually anybody in this god-forsaken place. “I’ve heard about you, and I’m itching for a fight! Come out if you ain’t chicken!”

He paused in his steps after that, coming to a halt while he glanced around some more and continued to shout still. “Hey, Demon of Solare! I’m calling for you! If you fight as good as people say you do, then don’t be a coward and show yourself-”

The clink of metal entered his hearing then-a click that he knew was not from his own claws-and Date immediately stopped and turned towards where he had heard it coming from; right in front of him, sitting down with its back against the ruined altar that was behind… was the fabled Demon of Solare. Who also happened to be just a teenager with long black hair tied into a loose ponytail and clad in nothing else but a loose yukata. A battered, unsheathed sword was laid at his side, its jagged edge gleaming dully with blood that had already been died up for a long while.

Date was, of course, immediately unimpressed. “Oy oy, I come out all this way here and find nobody but a kid in this place?” Really, and after everything he had heard… it was kind of anti-climatic, he had to admit.

There was no response from the kid at that, so Date simply took it as an acknowledgement and continued. “Seriously, are you the demon that everyone says you are? I mean, you look more like a street rat who’s playing samurai or something with that sword of yours.” He sighed at that, stepping forward closer to the teenager while going on still. “Seesh, and I was so looking forward to having a good battle for once…”

He stopped right before the kid, looking down with an unimpressed look and spoke again. “Hey kid, shouldn’t you just run back to your parents or something? Or don’t tell me you’re just a delinquent or something-”

His instincts flared there and then with a sudden surge of killer instincts, and Date quickly leaped back before he could have lost something from that jagged blade now bring pointed towards him. The teenager never relaxed his grip on his battered sword, head rising up just enough in order to direct one cobalt blue eye that shone with the intent to kill.

“You’re getting noisy,” came the deadpan monotone from him.

Date could only grin at that, despite the situation and the amount of killing intent he could sense from the kid. “Looks like you’re not all just talk, it seems,” he went as he drew out one of his swords, getting into stance. The teenager pushed himself up from the ground as well, staying in his spot with his head bowed down. Even then, Date could still feel the aura of murderous intent emanating from the long-haired kid, and the grin only grew wider. Looks like he really was going to have that good battle he wanted so much after all.

Getting into a stance of his own, the rumoured ‘Demon of Solare’ readied himself as well for the fight ahead, head fully raised now so that both of his eyes were staring straight right at Date. Even from here, the man could see that this teenager was unlike anyone else he had fought before-everyone else he had battled were nothing but thugs and gangsters who fought because they couldn’t do anything else, this kid seemed to be a while different story altogether. Had it been in any other circumstances, maybe he could have been someone fun to spar with.

Or maybe he still was, but Date hadn’t seen it just yet.

Grinning a bit more, the man tightened the grip he had on his sword and readied for the oncoming explosive battle. “Are you ready?”

No response from the kid, of course, but Date was pretty sure he saw him nodding, and that was more than enough for him. The man grinned again, and without wasting another second, lunged right forth towards the teenager right as the other did so as well. As they met for their first clash, the usual battle cry came out from Date’s lips as the battle started.

“Then let’s party!”

Before he knew it, the rest of the day had passed, and it was already sunset by the time it ended-‘ended’ being only a relative term, if only because both battlers were exhausted beyond belief from the spar that seemed to never stop. Date and the teenager were still facing each other, struggling to keep upright despite the exhaustion that seeped right into the core of their very souls. The place was in an ever bigger mess than before from all the attacks and dodges and strikes that came in-between them, and if they weren’t careful this place seemed to be able to collapse anytime now from the force of their attacks towards each other.

“Hah…” Date was the one who broke the silence between them as he looked up towards the kid. “You really… ain’t that bad at all, kid.” He hadn’t whipped out his claws due to the place, but he had a good feeling that nothing much would really change even if he had. The teenager was a lot smarter and intuitive than anyone else he had ever fought, managing to counter his numerous blows and strikes when others weren’t ever able to. He even countered some of them in ways he had never expected-the injuries he had on him now were proof of that.

The teenager, of course, didn’t speak up, only continuing to try and regain back his strength. In other cases Date might have been a little unamused at the lack of responses from someone, but the fact that this kid was giving him a good fight more than made it up. In fact, he figured that he could come to appreciate this a little.

He was about to speak again, when then the teenager abruptly jerked his head up and suddenly moved, and before Date knew it he was shoved to faceplant against the floor. The man started to push himself back up, about to ask what the heck did the kid what was he doing when the answer came right before his eyes. All around them, surrounding them both, were various gangs around these parts that had probably come here to seek vengeance.

The leader-a burly looking guy with a terrible sort of face-stepped out, a cocky grin on his face as he addressed the two. “Heh, look what we have here! The Demon of Solare and the One-eyed dragon wearing each other out! Things couldn’t have been more perfect!”

Date got back up, using the back of his free hand to wipe the blood off his lips before speaking back in return. “Oh? So you were the one who helpfully passed Koujiro information about the kid, I suppose?”

“Someone had to take him out,” the man replied back dismissively. “And besides, taking him out would wear you out like you are now, and we’ll get a fine reward if we bring your head to the authorities, One-eyed dragon of Vohemar.”

“Hah!” Date shot back, a grin crossing his face. “Making use of both of us, I see. Sounds like something you weaklings would do to get rid of what’s in your way.”

“It’s called ‘being smart’. Unlike the two of you, we choose our battles wisely. As the saying goes - if you can’t beat them, join them instead.” The leader looked at the duo, the smirk on his face once more. “And now, we’re joining our forces so we can take the both of you down once and for all!” He stepped back at that, raising one hand to point a finger towards them both. “Everyone, charge!”

The thugs around them all responded with a cry before doing so. Date kept his grin, readying his sword again and felt the kid behind him doing likewise. Of course, it wasn’t that all surprising that the teenager was still up and running despite everything, but what did surprise him a little was when he actually talked.

“We’ll fight out way out,” the teenager said, voice low and raspy. “Once we’re out of the door, you and your pal can knock this place down.”

Date could only cast an amused look at those words. “How long have you known that Koujiro was outside?”

“Since you two stepped in at the entrance,” was the blunt response.

“Heh, you really are something,” Date went, more and more amused with each passing moment. This kid seriously was quite the someone now, he had to admit-he just seemed to get more and more interesting everytime. “Don’t blame me if you’re going to lose something from this party!”

“Not before you do,” the kid replied again.

Date grinned once more upon hearing that. “I can work with that,” he went, straightening his posture as the thugs circled in closer to them. “Are you ready, kid?”

A quiet ‘hmph’ came from the teenager before he answered. “Always.”

“Let’s party!” Date shouted, and the two of them leapt head-on right into the fray.

The battle that took place was quite unlike anything anyone in Solare would have ever witnessed if they had seen it before their very own eyes. It was crazy, it was wild, it had been wholly unpredictable but it if anything at all, it was the best time Date ever had ever since he came into this place. Between him and the kid, the thugs were nothing at all even with their exhaustion and the energy they spent battling between themselves. Left and right the gangsters were taken down with ridiculous ease as the duo fought their way to get outside, and when they were finally through the doors Koujiro was found to be busy taking care of a few thugs of his own-which would explain why he hadn’t been in the party inside.

“Masamune-sama!” the retainer went once the thugs he had been busy with here cleared, hurrying towards the swordsman.

“Koujiro, we’re going to take this place down,” Date simply went as he reached to draw out all six of his blades out. The elder man looked at his master for a moment in confusion, but eventually nodded and plunged his own blade into the earth, reaching behind for the other blade that was sheathed across his back.

“You bastards are going to know what price to pay for interfering with my battle!” Date shouted as he swept his six swords in a massive arc, sending out a wave of massive energy towards the rickety building. Koujiro drew out his own sword too, the blade crackling with electric power as a burst of energy came forth and flew with Date’s. The two massive forces crashed right into the abandoned temple, the force of that attack more than enough to send the last pillars cracking and under the weight of the structure, fell with a resounding CRASH that echoed even in the aftermath as the dust started to settle and the last cries of the thugs that were still inside died out.

Koujiro kept his swords as he looked at Date, asking what was supposedly an obvious question. “Are you alright, Masamune-sama?”

“Are you kidding?” the younger man responded, grinning as he turned towards his retainer. “I’ve never felt better. Even if the information was more of a fake, I did get that fight I’ve always wanted.”

“Against the Demon of Solare…?” the elder started, as he turned away to look at the figure of the teenager who had started to walk away from the scene.

Date kept silent for a while, turning as well to look at the figure of the retreating teenager before he suddenly shouted out towards him. “Oy, kid!”

Much to a bit of his own surprise, the kid did pause in his steps at that, turning around and directing one blue eye at him with mild irritation. “It’s not kid, its Hijikata. Hijikata Toshirou.”

The man grinned at that, and jabbed a thumb towards himself. “Date Masamune, head of the Date clan in Trewe. If you’re ever there, make sure you get me so we can have a real match next time.”

Hijikata looked at Date for a few moments at that and regarded him silently, but eventually turned away and started to walk again. “If you’re still staying here after this, I’ll come find you soon enough.”

“I’ll hold you to that then,” Date replied with a smirk this time and watched the teenager vanishing into the distance.

Hijikata Toshirou, huh? I certainly won’t forget that name for a while.

crossovers, !sengoku basara, ~fic, !theskytides, *knightblazer, !gintama

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