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May 08, 2011 19:35

So after telling my mom on Friday when I talked to her that we weren't celebrating Mother's Day since technically I'm not one yet (but with high hopes for next year!) and I'm not all about the "mother" title like some people I know (who seem to be more about that than anything else), I got home and Rob suggested we go out for dinner for Mother's Day at the Keg (our special occasion restaurant since it's more expensive than what we normally do, but not break the bank expensive). I was a bit reluctant at first since I'm still kind of superstitious about taking things for granted and I'm even more afraid than ever that things will go wrong (not like a constant worry, but just in the back of my mind kind of thing), but then I figured that who knows if we'll be able to go out next year, and the fact that Rob is even thinking about that is something.

So we had a nice dinner and then went to Costco to grab some stuff since the restaurant was right next door.

When we got home, he went to his car and gave me a present! I was so totally not expecting anything since it just seems sort of sentimental at this point (and neither of us are particularly that way, at least not for this) and all. I'm actually kind of touched that he would think of it and such a thoughtful present and to just put the effort into it.

He got me a Kobo! I'd been talking for a while about wanting to get an eReader, particularly now that there are libraries and you can borrow books rather than buying them. I had some reservations about what it would be like, being that I'm a lover of a physical book just as much as I am about reading it, and I don't like reading stuff on electronic screens (hence why I was less motivated to install the app on the iPad), but the Kobo is one of those eInk ones, so it looks exactly like a real book, rather than an electronic image. Plus you can read those ones in the sun, unlike the backlit ones that get washed out so easily. Not that I read in the sun a lot, but part of the appeal of getting one was that I wouldn't have to take 5 books with me when we go away somewhere, and that could include sitting in the sun and reading more than my everyday life does.

So I downloaded a book from the library as a tester and to figure out how it works, and so far I'm totally loving the experience. Book was thankfully good and I finished it, and now I'm reading a real book I just picked up from the library and I'm actually missing the lack of weight and comfort of the reader. It's great for reading in bed because it's so light and comfortable, I don't have to carefully balance the book and get creases on my hands and all that. There's less displayed on the page (at the font size I have on it) so it's easier to find your place if you have to look away. The only thing I prefer on a real book is that you can more easily flip forward a few pages to see how much left in a chapter you have left (I do that a lot when I'm reading before bed and starting to feel tired). It does have the page number and how many pages there are total, so you have some sense of progress, but I haven't figured out an easy way to flip chapters unless you jump to the next one and then count the page difference, which could be annoying to then flip back to the page you're on if it's a long chapter. Also, it doesn't smell like a book, although since I borrow from the library unless you get a new book they don't usually have that wonderful book smell anymore anyway.

The selection from the library isn't great yet, particularly if you're wanting to read a specific book, but there seems to be enough to keep me busy since I'll read pretty much anything. There are also a lot of books preloaded, a good number of which I haven't read yet. So not sure if it'll totally replace the library, especially if there's a newish book that I really want to read, but for my random choosing of books it'll work out well for at least a little while. Oh, and there's a Mother's Day card that Rob got with it that gives me two free books. Who knows how good they are but hey, they're free and I'll pretty much read anything.

Totally looking forward to going away somewhere and not having to pack a whole bunch of books. I'm looking forward to just being able to tuck it into my purse to have something to read for doctor's appointments, and not to worry about finishing my book before my appointment, it's so much lighter and smaller than a book and there are so many books on it! It's like carrying a library with me wherever I go.
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