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Oct 24, 2011 12:30

Name: Anna
Are you over 16?: yup!
Personal LJ: soneanna
Email: inabaeyes[at]gmail[dot]com
Timezone: CST/USA Central
Other contact: only my wits @ AIM
Characters already in the game: Kotomi Ichinose (heartmaestro)
How did you find us?: Friends' mentions on plurk :3

Character name: Rider (Medusa)
Fandom: Fate/stay Night
Timeline: Post Heaven's Feel True End
Age: Ageless & over 2000+, but appears in her 20s
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths:   (here lies a teal deer)
Servant-wide abilities:
Servant classes: hundreds of times more powerful than your ordinary human. Rider is one of the more agile of the classes, and by far the fastest, able to move at nigh-supersonic speeds. She can nullify most magic thrown at her. She can become intangible when she wills it so, being able to pass through solid objects, and invisible to all but her Master. Though this form presents an advantage, she must switch back to her concrete form if she needs to engage in physical combat. As she is not mortal anymore, Rider cannot truly die. If she is injured, she will sink into spirit form and regenerate with time. Even if she is mortally wounded, all that will happen is her withdrawal from the war; her "spirit" will remain unharmed.

Note that as a Heroic Spirit, she will need a regular flow of prana to survive in this world, properly. Her independent action is C-rank, meaning she is able to exist without a Master for around 1 day.

Unique abilities:
Rider's eyes, called officially "Mystic Eyes" in the Nasuverse, will instantly petrify human flesh into stone, and hamper the magical energy of stronger beings. She also seems to be able to manipulate others' dreams, and sneak into them. Her signature weapon, which she can summon at will, is a pair of large iron nails fastened to the ends of a long chain.

With a prana boost, Rider is able to significantly raise her physical strength, though it tires her out more. She has a small amount of divinity as well (divinity equating with god-ship).

Noble Phantasms:
Breaker Gorgon -- it takes the shape of her blindfold, and completely blocks out the effects of her eyes. They can also take the form of a pair of glasses.

Blood Fort Andromeda -- Rider is able to set up a barrier in a fixed location, and drain the prana of all those who are within it. More specifically, it drains the occupants of their blood, and only those with magical energy are able to resist it. Those without it will die instantly, and the only ones who won't be affected by it in the least are other Servants, and high-class magi. Additionally, it acts as a barrier between the occupants and the outside world, as when activated, no communication can be done from the inside out. It stays in effect until Rider dies or wills it to dissipate.

Bellerophone -- A harness, bridle, and saddle capable of taming and amplifying tenfold the power of beasts. It does nothing on its own, but once used on a beast, it instantly bends to Rider's will. This comes hand in hand with her status as the Rider class of the War; she is able to tame and ride nearly any beast of any rank in her path, and with ease.

How would they use their abilities?: 
Really, it all depends on what Sakura wants. Rider is completely obedient to her. If Sakura wanted her to murder the entire population of Fuyuki City, Rider would do it. Not without hesitation, and questioning Sakura's sanity first, but still. When Sakura's not around, though, Rider tries her best to avoid conflict. In general, she prefers to be on defense than offense.

Appearance: Rider is extremely tall, has extremely long purple hair down to the soles of her feet, and has pink eyes always concealed behind her mask, or a pair of glasses. In Servant form, she wears a rather revealing black outfit, rimmed with purple straps. In this form, she wears her mask to cover her eyes, and has a forehead tattoo. In civillian form, Rider sticks to a surprisingly modest black sweater and jeans. In this form, her tattoo disappears, her mask changes to glasses, and she keeps her hair tied behind her.
Picture: Servant form, civilian form

Rider's personality stems a whole lot from her past, when she lived as the Greek monster of legend, Medusa. Rider and her sisters, Stheno and Euryale, were born from the wishes of humans to contrast the flaws of the native gods and goddesses. It was soon revealed however, that Rider was mortal, while her sisters stayed forever young. From a young age, Stheno and Euryale relentlessly bullied Rider, both mentally and physically.

However, most of this was in her imagination. Her sisters did truly love her, and in reality, they were only teasing her. When Rider and her sisters were exiled to the Shapeless Isles when Athena became jealous of their beauty, Rider slowly morphed into the monster she is well-known as. Thus, her mental state deteriorated and she grew ruthless in slaying the men that came to visit her and her sisters.

Rider, after devouring her sisters and becoming a legendary monster, was eventually decapitated by Perseus, and deeply regretted her actions in life.

In the present, Rider is drastically different. She has her own motivations besides seeking the Holy Grail, and despite suffering through more abuse by her fake Master, Shinji Matou, she stands tall and proud. Frequently demoralized, and unable to comfort her true master, Sakura Matou, Rider is presented as a cold and silent woman, bound to her duty more than anything else.

However, what matters most to her is simple: peace. She wants nothing more than to live peacefully with Sakura, though she ironically must fight to get her wish. She is completely devoted to Sakura, and will not hesitate to kill others that are threatening her. She is shown to be the happiest in the True End of Heaven's Feel, where she is living with Sakura and Shirou, and is no longer enemies with Rin.

That devotion is not solely to Sakura, however, and Rider is shown to be a woman of respect and truthfulness. In Fate, when Shinji sends her out to kill Shirou, she recognizes him as an honorable person and says that she won't brutally kill him. When off the battlefield, she proves to be charismatic and kind, and has an affinity for protecting those weaker.

Underneath her fighting prowess and dark history, however, Rider has a lot of self-confidence issues. She frequently worries about her height, thinking being too tall will make her not appear cute. And she has almost no self-confidence in social situations.

That doesn't stop Rider from being creepy, though. She is Medusa. She seems to slip into the persona of the monster, every now and then. The strongest example of this is probably in Unlimited Blade Works, when she makes a comment about plucking out Shirou's eyes and orgasming. And while she was not too keen on ambushing people in the street and drinking their blood for mana, the only part she was really against was "killing them."

Have you read up on how the game works?: Yup! The plugin is called FlamingFerret, and the characters can earn money via 1) doing missions, 2) stealing, and 3) opening up their own businesses.

1st person sample:
[Have a pair of unblinking eyes, pink with square pupils.]

Am I operating this device correctly? Please do not tell me I am broadcasting to empty space. What? Is the light on?

[The feed darkens, and after a minute or so of shuffling, it turns back on, to the image of Rider, sitting crosslegged on a chair.]

Hello. Please, do not doubt I am bursting at the seams with question. [Though, she says this dryly, so it's hard to tell if she's serious.]

But one is of the utmost importance. Has a young girl by the name of Sakura Matou been seen around here? She is rather small, with purple eyes, purple hair, and a red hair ribbon.

[Rider adjusts her glasses.]

It is a priority that I find her. Thank you for your cooperation.

[She looks like she's about to shut off the feed, but reconsiders.]

In addition, is there a reliable source of literature on this ship?

3rd person sample:
Baking a cake should not have been that hard. It really, really shouldn't have. She could bake cookies. And she could...make..sandwiches. Why did baking a cake have to equate to abstract algebra? Rider sighed, and tried to wipe the flour off of her glasses. She peered at the recipe book for the umpteenth time that afternoon.

"1/3 cups of molasses..." she read aloud, squinting. Molasses? Why would this cake need molasses? Well, maybe that's why her last two attempts failed horribly. (Ergo, the kitchen filled with black smoke, and there where two tins of burnt cake mixture sitting in the trash can. She had to make sure Shirou didn't see it when he came home. That would end horribly.)

"Maybe I should add chocolate." Her conscience told her 'no.' Chocolate wasn't in the recipe. At all. And if she kept straying from it, it was no wonder she kept burning the damn thing. But...Rin liked chocolate. Rin dumped chocolate in what were supposed to be sugar cookies, and they turned out wonderfully. Then again, Rin mostly lived alone, and cooked for herself--

Rider bit her lower lip. This was no time to be comparing herself to Rin! Rin was a good friend, but still just a 17-year-old girl. Rider was...old. She could totally do this. She could totally to this totally don't you stop her. Putting on a triumphant smile, she reached for the bag of chocolate chips, and dumped the whole bag into the mixing bowl.

Questions?: Where will she get mana/prana from? ;o;
Did you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: YES I DID, MAMZEL.


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