emu is teh uiber god

Jun 27, 2005 12:56

everytime i look at my lj im like
thats so cool
and apparently it gets better
i figured out how to make the lil smiley faces go away and be replaced by something much cooler
lookit the kitties!!!!!
anyhoosies i am sitting around singing november rain by guns and roses singing it because one i dont have their cd and two i cant find a flippuing cd player anywheres
its a comfortable -75346587134687 degrees here
it makes me smile
joyce has called me twice to check on me..aint it sweet?
and she's only been gone since 8:30 am
^^ mom wouldnt even think about calling me before she was gone for 5 hours
i found out my sister doesnt have long distance...mreow =>-<=
pooey..i wanted to call teh emu
i have like..nill monies for a phone card
and im trying to get all the viruses off the computer so i can dload aim without it exploding again
otherwise im gonna die from lack of stimulation...there are only so many memegen quizzes you can take before your brain melts.

those totally made me smile
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