Jan 24, 2009 20:22
I'm baby-sitting my nephews and one niece. The boys are ten and eight, and the little girl is 14 months. The boys are completely spastic, running around tormenting my cat, and the 14 month old is teething and won't.stop.screaming.
I had the genius idea that I'd cut and paste my response for the new founder challenge when the sign-ups were posted. That way I could get it done quickly with the least amount of fuss.
Yeah. That didn't go well. One nephew decided he wanted to play solitaire, and I had to grab the mouse to post around him while he screamed. First, I accidentally copied just the first part, which was the legacy name. Then when I tried to get my nephew to post a reply with the rest of it (since he wouldn't let me have the computer back), he deleted the original post instead. Since the rules said no reposting, I pretty much just said screw it.
I suck at deadlines anyway; most likely I'd just get kicked out after a few weeks. So, I'll do the challenge, even though I'm not officially a part of it.
I'm going to call it the Grimwood Legacy. I filled the neighborhood with sims from not just this founder challenge, but from the last one as well. I also put in a bunch of sims from pixel_trade (I'm still adding them, actually), a bunch of my favorite Schafers (my non-posted legacy), and all the sims I've created so far in Bodyshop. I'm pretty excited about it, not gonna lie. =)
Also, my new computer is almost ready. I just need a video card and power supply. I got Freetime, Seasons, and Pets, and can't wait to install them.