Another Original Fic - More...

Jun 11, 2005 14:27

A friend of mine pointed out that this is sounding a lot like a romance fic. Fine with me! :-) I was influenced by the books I read. :-) I happen to think after all the introductions I'll actually have to work out a story/plot for them... ;-) This bit is R-rated for sex. Roz wouldn't have it any other way...


Rozalee woke and stretched languidly, feeling the warmth of the man asleep behind her, his arms were still wrapped around her waist. Smiling, she remembered everything that led up to this moment.

He was of medium build, tall, and he had her complete attention the minute he walked in the common room of the bar she was temporarily employed at. The rest of her dances were meant only for him, though the other male patrons didn’t know it. When she was finished, offers were thrown for her to grace their beds with her presence, they always were. But Roz refused them all, strutting up to him, straddled his legs to sat in his lap (which caused many shocked stares) and kissed him heatedly in front of everyone. He was her choice for the night, obviously, though some men still cried out their offers. What turned her on even more than his devilishly handsome good looks was when he threw his coin on the table to pay for his drinks, then proceeded to carry her upstairs then and there. One arm wrapped around her waist, one under her backside to help support her. She shivered just thinking about what his fingers were doing as he carried her.

Once inside her room (she barely managed to tell him where it was), he closed and bolted the door and carried her to the nearest piece of furniture; the table. They skipped the pleasantries and moved right into what they both wanted most. Luckily, she wore one of her older costumes, for he tore at it, baring her breasts; she had enough patience to untie his trousers and push them down to get at his already hard manhood. He pushed up her skirts, ripped off her underwear, and buried himself within her. Roz barely had time to catch her breath before she felt herself spiralling out of control. His movements were fast and frenzied, and soon both of them were crying out in their ecstasy.

“Gods, I needed that,” he said breathlessly.

“Really? I couldn’t tell,” Roz replied sarcastically, but with a smile. “I must admit, I did too.” They seperated then, and he helped her off the table. He followed her into the tiny bathroom, and they stripped out of the rest of their clothing and took turns washing up. Still quite sensitive from their previous activity, she found herself ready for more, and by looking at her partner, so was he. When they went from the bathroom, his hand caressed her back all the down to her backside, tracing the curves. Oh yes, she was definitely ready for more of him. She turned around quickly, taking his hand and guiding up to her breasts.

“I think we can take our time now,” she suggested in a low, husky voice. He simply nodded, backing her up to the bed. He took over, and she was unable to even think anymore as he took his time. Roz simply let herself feel him, every inch of him, and moaned her approval when she wasn’t catching her breath.

Hours later, they lay upon the bed, legs entwined and he was propped up on his elbow looking at her. His free hand traced from her face, her chest, and then his hand rested on her belly. Roz looked at him, memorizing his features in her mind. Once she left from this place and met with Sasha and Katiri, she doubted she’d ever see him again. His dark blonde hair hung loosely to just above his shoulders, having come free of its restraint when she ran her fingers through it. Reaching up, she brushed some of it back, and his eyes met hers. Light blue eyes, maybe just a little lighter than the sky. His skin was tanned golden from spending hours in the sun, and she couldn’t mistake the slight tang of metal in his scent. Could this man be a warrior? She wouldn’t be surprised if he was. She was reminded, quite suddenly, that she didn’t even know his name. Smiling up at him, she opened her mouth to ask, but he bent to take it in a long, slow kiss.

Left breathless after the kiss ended, she remained undaunted. “What’s your name?” she asked, brushing back his hair again.


“A lovely name,” she sighed as the hand that rested on her belly moved lower. If she wanted to ask him anything else, it fled her mind as he began to pleasure her again.

When it was over, and they both lay spent and sated, she wondered just how long Markas had gone without having sex in order to have lasted as long as he did. For that matter, she wondered how long he could please one woman in one night. By her count, it was three. He had a way of making her lose herself each time, which never happened before. When her lust was sated with other men, she left them quietly sleeping, returning to her own room. She felt no particular attachment to them whatsoever. So what exactly stopped her from leaving Markas?

“What are you thinking?” she heard him ask sleepily.

“Nothing, just listening to you breathe.”

“Liar,” he said, pushing up so he could look in her eyes. “I can hear you thinking.”

“If you can hear my thinking, sir, then tell me what it is you’re hearing.” Two can play at this game.

But instead of speaking, he only smiled and let his hand do the talking. Roz tried valiently to protest, but once again found herself falling under his spell, for surely he was working some kind of magic.

“I think you were wondering how I’ve gone without having a woman this way,” he said as she arched against him. She caught his gaze and nodded slightly before grabbing hold of his shoulders and pushing against his hand. “Quite some time, actually. Long enough to know that when I saw you dancing, I would have you as you are now.”

“I don’t know… if I should… consider that an insult… or a compliment,” she managed. She thought she was sated, but he succeeded in stirring her up again. And if she didn’t know any better, he was stirred up again as well.

“Nothing but the highest of compliments, my dear,” he said, moving her underneath him and taking her one more time.

Not three, Roz thought. Four. Markas was insatiable tonight, and she would stay with him for as long as she could. She almost began to regret having to leave the day after tomorrow. Katiri would come to fetch her, and they would be off to get Sasha. They were scheduled for a performance together in the next town. That meant leaving Markas. She could do it. It wasn’t that hard. Or was it?

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