Original Fic - Part Four

Jun 04, 2005 18:02

I didn't get much out for this, but just enough to move things along... I think.


I woke the next morning from a deep, dreamless sleep. But I knew the reason why I hadn’t dreamed was still asleep in the room across from mine. At least I thought he was. Seconds later, the door swung open and I was set upon by two very awake dogs, both with the intent to kiss me into oblivion. Two pairs of brown eyes seemed to laugh with me as they continued to kiss and then play around me. How anyone could sleep with these two around, I’ll never know. But it’s a lovely way to wake up. Senona is a good influence on my dog.

I hear the door across the hall open, and I can hear my guest yawn and stretch. I push myself up to lean on one elbow, the dogs still playing, though quieter. The next thing I hear is a great yowl and then a muttered curse and apology. He’s found one of my cats, and I can’t help laughing more.

"I see you’ve met one of my cats," I call out to him.

"It wasn’t the best of meetings," he answered coming to stand in the doorway. "I’m pretty sure I only stepped on its tail."

"What did it look like?"

"Grey, long hair, some white and beige."

I laugh again. "I see you met, and probably managed to insult, my oldest cat. That was Muffin upon whose tail you trod. She’s ten."

"I’ll try to remember her name and do my best to watch where I step next time," he replied, laughing as well.

A squabble from outside the room gains the attention of both dogs, and they race out of my room, practically barrelling into him as they pass. He watches them go for a few moments before turning back to look at me. Still smiling, he walks over the my side of the bed and sits down.

"Sleep well?"

"Well enough, until two dogs decided that I should be up. You?"

"The same. No dreams, though. First time in a while that’s happened." He leans over, one hand on the other side of my legs, his face only a few inches from mine. "I think I know why, too."

"Why is that?"

His smile grew a little more, and there was something in his eyes I couldn’t quite read. Leaning just a little closer, he kissed me gently. "I think the reason I didn’t dream last night is right in front of me."


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