May 13, 2012 23:02

[20] Kuroko no Basket Icons for anime20in20












sakura 01

sakura 02

sakura 03

sakura 04

sakura 05

AC 01

AC 02 

AC 03

AC 04

AC 05


Table created with accio.nu's icon table(less) generator
- LET ME JUST SAY I HATE THIS BATCH. I am actually quite dissatisfied with SO MANY of these icons but I have exams soon and I needed to just finish them and anyway all my photoshop skills seem to have evaporated
- looking at them now....SO MUCH BLUE/PURPLE WTH
- I used so much fanart for this which I don't particularly like doing, but kurobasu doesn't seem to have a lot of official art that I can use :/
graceful- art by A at pivix
food- art by ゴミ屋敷 at pivix. Why is it that I can't find a single official artwork that features Kagami eating - I mean he does do enough of it for 10 people 
horizon- art by A at pivix  
hurt- art by まゆこ@スパコミあ03a at pivix (alternate - art by ddok at pivix)
leader- Originally, this icon was supposed to be Akashi (see alternates - art by あきづき@5/3東4う14a) but after I finished the batch I realised that there was no Kiyoshi and that would be criminal so here he is! and it is also a much better icon than the other two
sakura 01- 05 - art by ddok at pivix. so much trouble this set was because kurobasu has no hanami scene that every other animanga seems to have. I ended up using fanart again :/
AC1-5 - I had only recently realised that MiraGen was a RAINBOW and giggled myself sick over it. Basically, this set was rainbow!miragen set inspired by how yachiru makes her icons because I've always loved them. I could not find a single nice cap of Midorima so this is what we ended up with :/  THIS SET WAS LIKE A COMPETITION OF WHOSE HAIR COULD PISS ME OFF THE MOST and i ended up erasing bits of Kise's and Akashi's hair which you cant see because all the detail is lost when I resized it smaller. /dies

!20in20, animanga: kuroko no basket, !icons

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